trust like that. You could change your mind and leave me."
His large blue eyes captured her and held her in place. She couldn't breathe or cede to his notions. Finally, she looked down to the polished mahogany flooring and pushed her slipper back and forth. "Miss Eliza trusted me, confided in me, thought me good enough to be freed. Wouldn't you want to be free too?"
"Jonas has chosen you, Jewell. I've heard him call you Mama on more than one occasion. Shall you allow your stubborn spirit to deny Eliza's joy?"
He'd spied her and Jonas before today? When? And was she so wrapped up in loving the boy she hadn't noticed? The baron's tone didn't sound cocky, as it had before. No, it bore hints of sadness, maybe even defeat. She lifted her head and caught a glimpse of him, staring and stiffening his jaw. He wasn't use to pleading, but why did he need this?
Her chest constricted, and she felt for the quill. "You win."
Pushing fear and doubt to the back of her mind, she put her mark on the documents, where he had pointed. "What now?"
His hand, warm and strong, closed about hers. The odd mixture of his woodsy scent and fresh linen filled her nostrils. "This is for the best," he said. Taking the quill, he put his elegant signature above hers on both papers then offered her one page. "Keep this. The other goes to my solicitor. Now, off to bed. In the morn, pack and get Jonas ready. We leave at week's end."
She clutched the parchment, and wrapped it in her apron. "Yes, master."
"It's Welling, Gareth Conroy, the third Lord Welling."
She backed away. "Yes, master." On the other side of the door, she took a whole breath. She was sort of free, but what did that mean in this Port Elizabeth place?
She started moving her slippers against the treads and down to her room when a tiny cry sounded. Jonas?
Pivoting, she decided to check on him and climbed the stairs to the second level. When she passed the hall mirror, she stopped and peered at her frozen cheeks, her poked- out lips. Though her face still held a dark bruise, it did nothing to draw attention from the numbness straining her face. She had papers, but only as part of a bad bargain. What would become of her? Would she ever know freedom?
Pulling off her mobcap, she let her shiny braids fall near her chin and rubbed at her temples. Determination set in her jaw and filled her lungs with heat. It didn't matter what Lord Welling or whatever he called himself today said, or even what this paper held. She was free as soon as her foot stepped on the shores of Port Elizabeth. She'd show him. She'd show them all.
The End of This Episode. Tune in For Episode II . Learn more at
Sneak Peak The Bargain II
Episode II of The Bargain
Length: 8 Chapters (25,000 words)
Summary: Precious Jewell’s Misadventures at Sea Heading to Port Elizabeth
Status: Available for pre-order/order.
The vastness of the cresting ocean isn't enough to drown Precious Jewell's high spirits or her dreams of doing for herself, but a false move and an old nightmare have placed her in more jeopardy, Lord Welling's bedchamber.
Captaining his schooner to Port Elizabeth was his only refuge, until his ship was invaded by land lovers, his son and his challenging caregiver. Perhaps, Miss Jewell's vivacity and audacity are just what he needs to quell rebellion amongst his crew and his heart. Get The Bargain II .
An Excerpt from Episode II:
Closing the door, Precious filled her lungs again. The cedar of the wood and the salt in the air already felt good, cleansing. Easing her way, with just moonlight as her guide, she found the ladder that led to the deck. Her eyes adjusted well to the night. They always had, more so now when she needed to see evil coming her way.
For a few seconds, she put her hand on the rung. It didn't bite. It didn't latch hold of her, or scream for someone to catch her. She took another quick breath. Everything would be all right.
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