Ghastly Glass

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Book: Ghastly Glass by Joyce and Jim Lavene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce and Jim Lavene
visitors. Wasn’t this what I’d worked so hard to be part of? And here I was, about to be in the Renaissance version of A Nightmare on Elm Street .
    A wolf (I swear it sounded like a different wolf) howled again, and I noticed a full moon rising over the castle and Great Hall, visible from the parking lot.
    That was it. I clutched my bags and ran for the gate. I wasn’t sure what was going to save me once I got there, but being inside the Village wall seemed safer than being out here alone in the parking area.
    I pushed open the heavy portal that would be locked for the night at some point, and a hand came down on my shoulder. I’m sure my scream made a few other residents pause and wonder if it was real or theater.


    “ H ey! I didn’t mean to scare you.” Detective Almond cleared his throat and moved his hand. “I’m looking for Manhattan. It seems I was wrong about death stalking the Village.”
    “What are you talking about? ” My heart was still pounding and I was breathing hard. Terror does not become me.
    He pointed behind me. “Death stalking the Village, like the poster says. Only in real life.”
    I turned around to study the recently hung poster, which said that Death would be stalking Renaissance Village. There were other references to ghosts, goblins, witches, and demons. I hadn’t noticed it before.
    “Don!” Grigg, an ex-Myrtle Beach police officer turned Village resident, greeted his former boss. “I got your message. What’s the problem? ”
    Grigg was looking very much a part of the Village. He’d started as an undercover officer for the police but had enjoyed the Village so much he’d decided to stay. He’d spent some time as the Piper’s son but had evidently graduated to become one of the pirates. He wore an eye patch, bandana, and shiny gold earring. I wouldn’t have recognized him if I hadn’t seen him with Detective Almond.
    “Grigg. There you are.” He looked his former officer up and down and pulled at his pants, which always seemed to be sliding down. “You look like you’ve gone native, boy. I need some help here. Are you feeling up to it? ”
    “I’m a pirate now.” Grigg showed him the required pirate tattoo on his right arm. “Where’s Chase? I’m sure he’d be glad to help you out.”
    “That’s just the problem.” Detective Almond glanced around, saw me, but continued anyway. “Manhattan is a fine young man, but he doesn’t have your experience. He needs a hand here, Grigg. There’s likely been a murder.”
    Grigg and I exchanged looks. “You mean one of the heatstroke victims? ” Grigg asked.
    “No, I mean that tall boy that was pretending to be Death or whatever. The ME’s preliminary showed the chances are good it wasn’t an accident after all.”
    I heard a footstep before I saw Chase. He didn’t look happy. “And why aren’t you telling me about this, Detective? I’m responsible for what happens here. I had to put Grigg in the dungeon twice last month for stealing.”
    “Stealing?” He stared at his former officer. “You’ve been taking things that don’t belong to you? ”
    Grigg laughed. “It’s all part of living here, Don. I know you don’t understand, but it’s a great life. The Merry Men steal toaster ovens and the occasional loaf of bread from the bakery. The pirates steal more personal things, items closer to the heart.”
    “Like underwear from the dancing girls at the Caravan Stage,” Chase continued. “And garters from the Lovely Laundry Ladies. Sometimes the wings right off a fairy.”
    Grigg burst out with a hearty combination laugh and pirate yell. “That’s what we do! It makes the place worth living in.”
    Detective Almond shook his head. “You people are all crazy! If workers are stealing, Manhattan, why aren’t you turning them in? ”
    “We handle our own internal problems, sir,” Chase said. “I only give you visitors who create a problem.”
    “That’s why Chase is your man.” Grigg clapped

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