deal, you’ve got something on your mind, Jim, what is it?
Lingk (rising): I can’t talk to you, you met my wife, I . . . (Pause.)
Roma: What? (Pause.) What? (Pause.) What, Jim: I tell you what, let’s get out of here . . . let’s go get a drink.
Lingk: She told me not to talk to you.
Roma: Let’s . . . no one’s going to know, let’s go around the corner and we ‘ll get a drink.
Lingk: She told me I had to get back the check or call the State’s att . . .
Roma: Forget the deal, Jimmy. (Pause.) Forget the deal . . . you know me. The deal’s dead. Am I talking about the deal ? That’s over. Please. Let’s talk about you. Come on. (Pause. Roma rises and starts walking toward the front door.) Come on. (Pause.) Come on, Jim. (Pause.) I want to tell you something. Your life is your own. You have a contract with your wife. You have certain things you do jointly, you have a bond there . . . and there are other things. Those things are yours. You needn’t feel ashamed, you needn’t feel that you’re being untrue . . . or that she would abandon you if she knew. This is your life. (Pause.) Yes. Now I want to talk to you because you’re obviously upset and that concerns me. Now let’s go. Right now.
Lingk gets up and they start for the door.
Baylen (Sticks his head out of the door): Roma . . .
Lingk: . . . and . . . and . . . (Pause.)
Roma: What?
Lingk: And the check is . . .
Roma: What did I tell you? (Pause.) What did I say about the three days . . . ?
Baylen: Roma, would you, I’d like to get some lunch . . .
Roma: I’m talking with Mr. Lingk. If you please, I’ll be back in. (Checks watch.) I’ll be back in a while. . . . I told you, check with Mr. Williamson.
Baylen: The people downtown said . . .
Roma: You call them again. Mr. Williamson . . . !
Williamson: Yes.
Roma: Mr. Lingk and I are going to . . .
Williamson: Yes. Please. Please. (To Lingk :) The police (Shrugs.) can be . . .
Lingk: What are the police doing?
Roma: It’s nothing.
Lingk: What are the police doing here . . . ?
Williamson: We had a slight burglary last night.
Roma: It was nothing . . . I was assuring Mr. Lingk . . .
Williamson: Mr. Lingk. James Lingk. Your contract went out. Nothing to . . .
Roma: John . . .
Williamson: Your contract went out to the bank.
Lingk: You cashed the check?
Williamson: We . . .
Roma: . . . Mr. Williamson . . .
Williamson: Your check was cashed yesterday afternoon. And we’re completely insured, as you know, in any case. (Pause.)
Lingk ( To Roma): You cashed the check?
Roma: Not to my knowledge, no . . .
Williamson: I’m sure we can . . .
Lingk: Oh, Christ . . . (Starts out the door.) Don’t follow me. . . . Oh, Christ. (Pause. To Roma :) I know I’ve let you down. I’m sorry. For . . . Forgive . . . for . . . I don’t know anymore. (Pause.) Forgive me. (Lingk exits. Pause.)
Roma (To Williamson ): You stupid fucking cunt. You, Williamson . . . I’m talking to you, shit-head. . . . You just cost me six thousand dollars. (Pause.) Six thousand dollars. And one Cadillac. That’s right. What are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about it, asshole. You fucking shit. Where did you learn your trade. You stupid fucking cunt. You idiot. Whoever told you you could work with men ?
Baylen: Could I . . .
Roma: I’m going to have your job, shithead. I’m going downtown and talk to Mitch and Murray, and I’m going to Lemkin. I don’t care whose nephew you are, who you know, whose dick you’re sucking on. You’re going out, I swear to you, you’re going . . .
Baylen: Hey, fella, let’s get this done . . .
Roma: Anyone in this office lives on their wits . . . . (To Baylen :) I’m going to be with you in a second. (To Williamson :) What you’re hired for is to help us—does that seem clear to you? To help us. Not to fuck us up . . . to help men who are going out there to try to earn a living. You fairy. You company man . . . I’ll tell you something else. I
Jody Pardo, Jennifer Tocheny