Golden Paradise (Vincente 1)
    As if reading her mind, Mr. Lawton spoke. "We search for lost souls wherever we find them, Miss Barrett. It is better to live among the wolves as a sheep than be torn apart by their fangs."
    It crossed Valentina's mind that this man who claimed to be a messenger of God could learn a valuable lesson from the kindly vicar in her church back home. It was on the tip of Valentina's tongue to ask him about the scripture that mentioned casting one's pearls before the swine, but she refrained.
    Climbing out of the buggy, she ran up the rock-strewn walkway toward the house. Not bothering to knock, she pushed open the door and looked about her in desperation. The room was small and neat, though sparsely furnished.
    The woman who occupied the sofa cast her knitting aside. Coming to her feet, she stared at Valentina with astonishment and disapproval written on her face. Valentina guessed this would be Reverend Lawton's sister, the one of whom he had spoken. One glance told Valentina that this was the female counterpart to Mr. Lawton—watery eyes and all. The gown the woman wore was of black broadcloth with a stark, white lace collar. Her dark hair was pulled back in a severe bun and her stingy little mouth was drawn into a tight frown.
    "Where is my mother?" Valentina blurted out.
    "And who, pray tell, would you be? Am I to assume you are Miss Barrett?" Prudence Lawton asked, looking down her nose at Valentina most disapprovingly.
    "Yes. Please forgive my rudeness. In my concern for my mother, I forgot my manners. I am sure you will understand I am most anxious to see her."
    Suddenly the woman's attention was drawn away from Valentina. She stared, with gaping mouth, at Salamar, who stood in the doorway. "I will not have an Indian under my roof," she screeched. "Get her out! Get her out! We will all be massacred!"
    Salamar seemed undaunted by the woman's outburst. She walked slowly and deliberately to stand beside Valentina. "Salamar is my friend and companion, ma'am," Valentina explained. "You are in no danger from her."
    Reverend Lawton chose that moment to enter the room. Having heard the conversation, he intervened. "Now, Prudence, you mustn't make snap judgments. Even the unworthy deserve our consideration. Perhaps this heathen woman was placed in our hands for a reason."
    In spite of the look of amusement on Salamar's face, Valentina ground her teeth together. Had the whole world gone crazy? What in heaven's name would make this man and woman believe they were the salvation of the world? Anger burned like fire in Valentina's chest. "I can assure you, sir, and madam, that Salamar has not been placed in your hands for any reason." She felt rage at the pious assumption that Salamar was a heathen. "For your information, Salamar's soul is already in good hands. And I can tell you one more thing about her; she doesn't judge people before she knows them, and then only sparingly." Valentina's breasts were rising and falling with each breath she took. She did not notice the covetous way Percival Lawton was staring at her, but Salamar noticed. When Valentina looked at her maid, she saw humor dancing in her eyes.
    "Now, now, let us all begin again and see if we can't make amends," Reverend Lawton said, dabbing at his face with his handkerchief. "Prudence, I would like you to be acquainted with Miss Barrett. Miss Barrett, my sister, Prudence. As I told you before, my sister has been looking after your mother."
    Valentina acknowledged the woman with the merest nod of her head. She, was becoming angrier by the moment. All she wanted to do was find her mother. Drawing herself to her full height, she spoke authoritatively. "I will see my mother now if you don't mind."
    Prudence Lawton was still glaring at Valentina and said nothing, but her brother smiled and nodded his head. "You will find your mother in the log cabin out back. Just go down the hallway and out the back door. You go ahead while I see to your baggage."
    "No, leave everything

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