Golden Paradise (Vincente 1)
in the buggy," Valentina said. "We won't be staying in your cabin. I intend to take my mother away from here as soon as possible."
    Prudence snorted. "It's not likely you will find a decent place that will take you in, even if you could afford it. There isn't a room to be had in this whole town."
    Valentina hurried past the woman and made her way down the hallway with Salamar in close pursuit. She passed a kitchen, then two closed doors that she assumed to be bedrooms. Pushing open the back door, she moved quickly in the direction of the small log cabin. Rushing up the wooden steps, Valentina slowly lifted the crude latch and the door swung open on creaking hinges. Though the sun came through the cracks between the logs, the room was in darkness. She could only see vague outlines.
    "Mother," she called softly. There was no answer.
    As she stepped inside, her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. There appeared to be crates and boxes stacked against one wall, leaving very little space for anything else. Valentina's gaze fell on the small cot beneath the window.
    "Mother," she called again, this time louder. There was an answering moan, and Valentina flew across the room, dropping down on her knees beside the cot.
    With trembling hands she touched the dear face that was no more than a dark outline. "Mother!" she cried, feeling the heat of her mother's skin. She was burning up; her temperature was much too high!
    "Valentina, is that you?" Evonne Barrett's French-accented words were no more than a weak whisper.
    "It's me, Mother. I'm here and everything is going to be all right now."
    "Oh, my dearest child, I thought you would never get here. I waited so long ... so long. Please let in some light so I can see your face." Evonne Barrett was becoming excited, lapsing into her native French.
    Salamar moved across the room and jerked down the heavy paper that had been blocking out the sunlight. The room was instantly flooded with a warm glow, and Valentina could see the tears on her mother's cheeks. She was horrified at the change in her mother. Her once shining, golden hair was streaked with grey; her skin had a yellow cast to it; her eyes were dull and lifeless. Valentina's heart ached so severely that she wanted to cry out, but she knew she must put on a brave front for her mother.
    "Don't worry, Mother. I'm here now and I'll take care of you. Salamar and I will have you well in no time. You'll see."
    Suddenly Evonne Barrett gripped her daughter's hand with a strength that surprised Valentina. "Did Reverend Lawton tell you about your father?"
    Valentina nodded. "Yes. Can it be true that father is . . . ?" She couldn't bring herself to say the word.
    "No, I don't believe it for a moment. I would know it inside if my husband were dead. You must promise me that you will do everything you can to find him. Promise me, Valentina! Promise!"
    Evonne seemed so upset that Valentina feared for her health. She knew she had to calm her down or she would become hysterical. "I promise, Mother. I will not rest until I find Father."
    For the first time since entering the cabin, Salamar spoke up. "This place is dirty. It isn't healthy for a well person, let alone someone who is ill."
    Valentina glanced about her, gritting her teeth at the condition of the cabin. It was dusty and looked as if it had never been cleaned. The bed covers were soiled and Valentina felt her blood boil. Was this what the Lawton's called taking care of a sick person?
    "The first thing I want to do is get a doctor out here to examine you, Mother," she said, trying to organize her thoughts. "I'm going to get you out of this place. We will go to a hotel until we can find a proper place to live."
    Evonne closed her eyes as if keeping them open was too great an effort. "We can't move from here, Valentina. It costs a hundred dollars a month to rent this cabin. Wade paid for it a year in advance. The rent runs out in three weeks. I don't know what we will do then. I want to stay

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