Graduating (Covenant College Book 5)

Graduating (Covenant College Book 5) by Amanda M. Lee Read Free Book Online

Book: Graduating (Covenant College Book 5) by Amanda M. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda M. Lee
childish than normal, though.”
    “What? You don’t want the students to know this campus is crawling with monsters, and you’re the chief monster hunter? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.”
    “You know how dangerous knowledge in the wrong hands can be,” Blake said. “Do you want to create a panic?”
    “I don’t really care,” I said. “I’m not the one who ends up looking like a douche in this scenario. And, I have to say, that’s a nice change of pace for me. I’m usually the douche.”
    “Perhaps we should talk about what happened,” Blake suggested. “I think we would both feel better if we cleared the air.”
    “What a great idea,” I said, sarcasm practically dripping from my tongue. “Let’s start with the vampires. Where are you keeping them?”
    Blake was taken aback. “Excuse me?”
    “All of the vampires you captured last year,” I prodded. “You were holding them somewhere. I want to know where.”
    “We aren’t keeping vampires captive,” Blake said, lowering his gaze. “We exterminated the nests. We were upfront about that.”
    I knew that was a lie. “Then why would you want the resurrection stone?”
    Blake shifted uncomfortably, rubbing his hands together. “We just wanted to make sure that no one dangerous used it.”
    He was talking in circles. I couldn’t decide if he really didn’t know what happened that night behind the library, or if he was just pretending. “You wanted me to use the stone to force all of the vampires to attack Alpha Chi,” I said. “You were working with Will. How is that up for debate?”
    Blake frowned. “I … my memory is a little hazy from that night.”
    “I bet.”
    “I think you might be remembering things a little differently than I remember them,” he said.
    “Okay, I’ll play,” I said. “How do you remember them?”
    “I remember you showing up and having one of your freak-outs,” Blake said. “Then everyone went home.”
    That was another lie. He may not have remembered everything, but he remembered more than that.
    “You know, I just don’t have the patience to deal with your crap today,” I said. “You let your crazy sister torture Aric. You were going to let her keep him as a pet to keep me in line. You tried to get me to use Rafael to kill one of your own allies as proof of my power, and when all of that blew up in your face and everyone ran and deserted you, we modified your memory and left.”
    Blake’s mouth dropped open. “You modified my memory?”
    “Not me personally,” I said. “I was busy with other stuff.” Flaming blue eyes, to be exact, but he didn’t need to know about that little magical twist. “We left that up to the vampire you tried to use as a slave.”
    “I think you’re misunderstanding the situation,” Blake said.
    “No, I’m not,” I said. “I’m also not misunderstanding how you magically managed to take over a class I was enrolled in. I’m not stupid, and I’m not naïve. Don’t think, not even for a second, that you have any chance of swaying me to your side.
    “And, while we’re at it, don’t think you can take me down either,” I continued. “You might not remember what happened, but things didn’t go well for your side that night. They can go worse. I promise you that.”
    I stood up from the desk, leaning over to pick up my bag and then straightening. I could feel Blake’s eyes on me the entire time.
    “So, that’s it?”
    “That’s it,” I said. “You and I have nothing left to discuss. You and I don’t exist as an entity outside of this classroom. I don’t care what you do. I don’t care what your plans are. Just know, if you try anything evil again, I will be the one stopping you.”
    My hand was on the doorknob when I paused. “I won’t be as nice as I was the first time if I have to stop you again,” I said. “You’ve been warned.”
    “Are you threatening me?” Blake was incensed.
    “I’m making a promise,” I said. “You have no

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