
GypsyDukeEpub by Unknown Read Free Book Online

Book: GypsyDukeEpub by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
out his hand. "I give you my word as a gentlemen...I will keep our conversation in confidence. You have my approval for your plans. I suggest you start immediately with this year's harvest. All the years following may be much reduced in abundance."
    John took the earl's hand, keeping his grip firm and his eyes level when the earl scrutinized him. He had done it. He had won the earl's support.
    "Perhaps now we should call in my lady and discuss proper decorum for whenever your uncle is in attendance."
    "Thank you, sir. That would relieve my mind greatly."
    Earl Raeburn reached for a bellpull and sat to await a servant. In seconds, someone appeared at the doorway.
    "Have her ladyship join me at her earliest convenience."
    "I'm sorry, sir, but her ladyship departed with Mistress Kitty not many moments ago for the Somerset estate."
    John leapt from his chair, knocking it backward.
    The earl exploded. "Why in the world would she do that?"
    "I believe, sir, that she received an invitation from Lord Bartholomew Seymour for tea and-"
    John rushed for the door before the man finished his statement. The servant backed in alarm.
    "Now see here, Seymour. Don't go off half-cocked. I shall ride with you. On the way, I'm sure we can invent some plausible explanation for my arrival."
    John marched back and forth before the stable doors, waiting for his horse to be brought out. He waited even longer for the earl's horse to be readied.
    Dark thoughts tormented him as he envisioned Kitty at the mercy of his violent uncle. What if the rotter managed to procure a moment alone with her? She would be helpless against such a man. The thought made his blood boil. He scarcely heard the earl's conversation.
    "Seymour, we must have our story straight. Say you ran into me during the course of your ride and petitioned me back to your estate to meet your uncle. Do you understand?"
    "I understand I will kill him if he touches Kitty."
    "Nothing will happen while your mother and my wife are in residence."
    "You do not know him. He excels in twisting events to his own ends. That much I have learned in one day."
    The earl urged his mount to even greater speed.
    A few moments more brought them to Somerset. As they entered the door, Earl Raeburn reached for John's arm. "Steady, boy. Never reveal your thoughts until you perceive the intentions of your opponent. It will only increase his desire to wound you should he see that it has an effect."
    John took a shuddering breath and willed his face to relax then they continued to the parlor where voices could be heard.
    When he moved for the door, Earl Raeburn held John back at the doorframe, and they leaned in to listen.
    His uncle's voice rose above the others. "How kind of you to have pity on me. I am not sure I would have made it through the day without some type of distraction. Somerset suffers so. It pains me."
    The quiet murmur of Lady Raeburn responded. "Your note did indicate that the situation was dire, although I was surprised not to hear directly from the duchess. How can we be of service?"
    "The duchess was too distraught to send for you, but I knew as our nearest neighbors, and John's betrothed, you would hasten to my side. Kitty, do come and sit next to me. I want to know all about John's future duchess."
    The Earl snarled and shoved open the door. He strode into the room with John at his heels. They bowed to the ladies as Kitty rose from her seat to approach Bartholomew.
    John caught her gloved hand as she made to pass and held her at his side as he turned to face his uncle.
    "Uncle, you have begun your tea without me. I was given no time to change from my riding clothes. But, happily, I bring a boon to your little gathering. May I present Earl Raeburn, the Lord of the Belfont estates, and Lady Katherine's father?"
    Bartholomew stood as if it was the most engaging happenstance to have occurred, but his oily smile didn't fool John. "Your servant." His bright gold and magenta jacket and waistcoat made him

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