Hammer & Nails

Hammer & Nails by Andria Large Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Hammer & Nails by Andria Large Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andria Large
inside, I grab an empty 5-gallon bucket and turn it over, setting it in front of Nolan. I set the kit down on the step next to him and take a seat on the bucket. I fit my knees between his and pull his hand into my lap. My stomach flutters and my blood heats at the contact. It’s been a couple of weeks since Nolan and I kissed last, and I kinda wish he would do it again. He’s a really good kisser.
    I open the kit and find the tweezers. I pull my little flashlight from my belt and hold it out for Nolan.
    “Hold this so I can see better.”
    He takes it and turns it on, placing the beam on his injured palm. Damn, that’s the biggest splinter I’ve ever seen! It’s so deep that it’s bleeding. I also can’t help but notice how nice his nails are. They are perfectly trimmed and the skin around them is unmarred. Mine, on the other hand, are chewed to shit, both the nails and skin around them.
    “Do you get your nails done?” I ask.
    “Yeah, why?” he answers.
    I laugh. “Really?”
    He lifts his blue-eyed gaze to meet mine. “More guys get their nails done than you think. I promise you.”
    I give him a skeptical look. “I doubt that.”
    He shrugs. “I’m telling you. I see plenty of guys in there.”
    “If you say so,” I reply dubiously. “And you are totally straight, right?”
    He gives me a dry look. “Yes. I kissed you, didn’t I?”
    I cock an eyebrow at him. “You did say I act like a man.”
    He barks out a laugh. “Touché. I’m completely straight, I swear. I just like for my nails to look nice,” he says.
    “Alright, let’s get this monster out of your hand.” I smirk.
    I rip open two gauze pads and place them on my thighs, one on each. One is going to be for the splinter; the other will be to clean the blood off when I’m finished. I hold his injured hand steady in my left hand while using my right to work the tweezers. I grip the edge of the splinter and lightly tug, a small piece breaks off.
    “Dammit,” I mutter to myself.
    A couple more pieces break off before I can get a good grip and pull the giant thing out. Nolan hisses in pain. I set it on the gauze. The thing has to be an inch and a half long. I take the other piece of gauze and blot the wound to clear the blood away so I can see if there is any more.
    “I think I got it all,” I tell him.
    “Good,” he says gruffly.
    I take out the small bottle of rubbing alcohol from the kit and open it up.
    “This is gonna sting,” I say and pour a little on his hand before he can protest.
    He yelps, his body tensing up against the pain. He breathes out a curse before sticking the end of the flashlight between his teeth and raking his good hand through his hair. I fold the bloody gauze over and use it to dry off his palm. I then take the Neosporin spray and give his palm a couple of spritzes. I grab the largest band-aid - one of the big ones that are usually for a scraped knee or elbow - and plaster that shit to his palm.
    “Keep an eye on that and make sure to keep it clean. You don’t want it to get infected. Better yet, maybe you should go get a Tetanus shot,” I say and start to clean up.
    “Thank you,” he murmurs.
    “You’re welcome.”
    I stand and throw the trash in the trashcan a few feet away. As soon as I turn back around, Nolan’s mouth is on mine and his hands are gripping my hips as he propels me backward, until my back hits the front door. His hard body presses against me as he sweeps his tongue into my mouth. I’m not playing games anymore, though. Every time he’s kisses me, he leaves me all hot and bothered and yearning for more. Not tonight. I’m not settling for just a kiss anymore.
    Nolan drags him mouth down to my neck where he starts nipping, licking, and sucking on the sensitive skin just under my ear. I suck in a sharp breath as heat pools between my thighs. I tilt my head to give him better access.
    “You better not kiss me and run this time.” I pant.
    “I won’t…I can’t stop…thinking

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