
Hatter by Daniel Coleman Read Free Book Online

Book: Hatter by Daniel Coleman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel Coleman
Tags: Fantasy
the lovers’ answer, for just at that moment the rath outgrabe loudly—a bellowing whistle combined with a strident sneeze. Hatta turned bright red and looked around, but to his pleasure no one stared or pointed at him. They chuckled at the timing of the rath, and clapped for the newly married couple, but no one realized Hatta had instigated the disruption.
    Why do I subject myself to these situations? he wondered.
    The blush faded from his face and Hatta snuck away from the wabe before being compelled to attend any more festivities.

Chapter 6

    The liquid metal rolled silently across Hatta’s palm. It flattened momentarily after rolling off and landing on his other hand, then tightened into a bead. It was much heavier than water, so much so that he could feel the weight of the droplet on his palm. Passing it back and forth a few more times, he wondered how metal could be liquid. Though the small vat of molten tin to his right was metal, it had been heated. Mercury was liquid in his hand. It looked like metal and acted like metal when mixed in a compound, but Hatta was unconvinced.
    Perhaps it’s putting on a front. Acts one way, while trying to hide the turmoil underneath.
    When he woke up that morning, Hatta knew he would never save the kingdom—definitely a blue day. Not like a bluebell or a sparkling lake, but steel blue like a cloudy winter morning. It was difficult to make it through such days, but there was hope. If things went according to plan, he would soon create again.
    One part mercury, four parts tin. Hatta poured the vial of mercury into the smelted tin and stirred the mixture. Using a measuring ladle, he scooped the mixture onto glass in flat molds. The polished liquid spread to fill every nook and corner. He wanted to touch the reflective surface as he had done with the mercury, but knew he would burn himself and risk marring the perfect lining.
    Master Aker entered the workshop and examined Hatta’s work. The mercury mirrors were the clearest mirror they made, a significant improvement over plain tin mirrors. In other parts of the kingdom silver mirrors were available, but they were much too expensive for a town like Shey’s Orchard.
    “You’ve learned quickly, Hatta. I have to admit I was skeptical at first.”
    Hatta smiled. In one week he’d become proficient at the basics of mirror making, and already felt unfulfilled. Almost every mirror Master Aker made was plain—either rectangular or oval with very simple frames. Hatta longed to make something special, something unique.
    “I thank you, Master Aker.”
    “You don’t have to call me Master. You realize that, right?”
    “Yes.” He shrugged and added, “Habit.”
    “I’m fortunate you showed up in town just when I needed help. A hard worker and always cheerful.”
    Hatta was relieved to be seen as happy. He didn’t want the struggle in his head to show, and a cheerful persona came easiest to him. Whatever madness he felt had to be veiled. Mad people caused problems. Conflict. And Hatta couldn’t abide conflict.
    “Master Aker, a favor?”
    “Sure, Hatta. What is it?”
    “I’d like to make some mirrors.”
    Master Aker glanced at Hatta’s day’s work with a confused look.
    Hatta said, “No, I’d like to make some mirrors of my own making. I have…ideas.”
    “If you buy your own supplies, I have no problem with you using the shop in the evenings.”
    Hatta was thrilled. “Oh perfect! And I can sell them in your shop? You can keep the money, of course.”
    “If you sell any mirrors we’ll split the money. But I have to warn you, people in Shey’s Orchard are very conservative. Even the merchants that come from the Provinces are only interested in simple designs. I traveled to Palassiren last year and saw some fine work, most of it very stylized. But folks in the city are different than here.”
    Hatta barely heard the warning for he was already planning his designs. His reservations about the day were

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