
Hatter by Daniel Coleman Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hatter by Daniel Coleman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel Coleman
Tags: Fantasy
gone. After all, his mirrors just might be the key to saving the kingdom. He liked the sound of that. His mirrors.
    That night he poured over his sketches under the flicker of lamplight. Filled with inspiration, he created new and wonderful designs no one had ever imagined. The sun had set hours before, but Hatta was energized. When his ideas for designs began to dry up, he started constructing a new frame. This one would be neither square nor oval. It would be new. It would be his.
    As he worked on the frame the workshop grew brighter. His inspiration filled the workshop with radiance, and he felt someday it would fill the world.
    His exhilaration was disturbed by the sound of the door opening. Who would come into the workshop in the middle of the night? he wondered.
    “Have you been at this all night?” asked Master Aker.
    Hatta didn’t know what he meant. Why was Master Aker out of bed when he should be sleeping? In the brilliant jumble of mirror ideas, he couldn’t find an answer.
    “Hatta? Have you slept at all?”
    He shook his head. “Why would I…” Hatta couldn’t tell if the light in the workshop was a result of his superlative creativity or if the sun had risen.
    “If you’re going to do your own projects, you’ve got to be ready to work in the morning. You’re no good to me falling asleep all day.”
    “Yes, I…” Reality was fading, a worse reality trying to take its place. They merged and he couldn’t tell exactly what was real. With downcast eyes he said, “I had no idea.”
    With a sigh Master Aker muttered, “Just when I think…,” but he didn’t finish the thought. “Get a couple hours sleep, Hatta. I’ll wake you when Tonin arrives.”
    Hatta felt like he would never need sleep again, but in no way would he argue with Master Aker. In his bed, in the small quarters at the back of the workshop, the image of his first mirror filled his mind and his joy made sleep elusive. He must have dozed eventually because Master Aker’s knock woke him a short while later.
    Tonin waited in the shop, inspecting the mirrors he had purchased. The burly merchant traveled from Far West Province to towns throughout the southern half of the kingdom, trading with craftsmen, and selling supplies along the way.
    Hatta wrapped a dozen mirrors in the sheepskins Tonin provided, secured them with twine, then carried each one to the wagon. In the meantime Master Aker and Tonin bartered for the supplies. Hatta was thrilled to see two large vials of mercury among the wares; a good portion of it would be used in his mirrors.
    While Master Aker and Tonin finished their business, Hatta climbed into the trader’s wagon and riffled through the piles of commodities. Tools, brushes, hoops, dyes, ores, cups, and dishes comprised the bulk of it. Just when he’d given up on finding anything of interest he noticed a silvery blue soil in a pouch at the bottom of a barrel. It wasn’t powder; it was too coarse and earthy, liked crushed ore, but unlike any he had seen.
    Outside the wagon, it gave off a silvery blue sheen in the sunlight. Master Aker and the trader were in the middle of a conversation so Hatta said, “Pardon my interruption. What could this be?”
    “If the man who sold it to me can be trusted it’s cobalt ore. Similar to iron, says he. I’ve been carrying it for over a year and have yet to find an artisan with a use for it.”
    Hatta ran his fingers through the pulverized ore. The color did not cling to his fingers like dye would. It was exactly the zest his mirrors needed. “You’ve found an artisan with a use for it.” In his high spirits, referring to himself as an artisan was thrilling.
    “Give me four coppers, and I’ll be glad to lighten my load.”
    Hatta handed him two days wages without looking away from the curious ore.
    “Would you be interested in any other colors? I’ve a few more shades somewheres.”
    That was enough to rip Hatta’s attention from his discovery, and he nodded

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