
Heat by K. T. Fisher Read Free Book Online

Book: Heat by K. T. Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. T. Fisher
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, music, Erotic Fiction, Lesbian, menage a trois
       I laugh at Booker's wishful gaze, no wonder Mason hadn't taken his eyes from his phone. Now I know why he had such a huge smile on his face!
       Ten minutes later our supporting band walks off stage and heads backstage to the waiting groupies. The crowd begins to chant. "Black Inferno! Black Inferno!" I turn to face my brother and best friends; we do this before every show. I'm handed my microphone, Booker's handed his drum sticks and Mason and Tate are given their guitars. We turn to face in a circle, stretch our arms over each other’s shoulders and touch foreheads in the middle. We don't say anything, the atmosphere and the chanting from the crowd is enough. The stage goes black and the crowd screams, it's time. Mason turns and saunters onto the stage solo, playing the opening chords and the screams get louder. Next Booker walks on with his sticks raised in the air and he starts the beat, Tate is next his guitar nearly drowning out the screams. I sing a few words into the mic and the screams become even louder. My laugh echoing throughout the stadium. "If you wanna see me, you have to scream louder." The screams become deafening and Tate leans into his mic stand.
       "Get your fucking ass out here Cole!" I run out, singing to our first hit and we give the crowd exactly what they want.
       I'm sat on the sofa next to Roxie, we have a bowl of popcorn in between us and two bottles of wine. Tonight is movie night for the girls, unfortunately two of them; Ria and Paige canceled on us and instead decided to go a rock concert that they were invited to. I don't even think they like rock music! Oh well, more wine for Roxie and I.
       My eyes are on the TV while the film plays but I'm not watching it, whatever is happening on screen isn't sinking into my head because my thoughts are busy thinking about Cole. I'm wound tight and I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I will probably attack the poor man as soon as I see him. I've been fantasizing what it will be like when we're together again and he's been in all my dreams, I can't escape him.
       After I had turned Roxie down on Wednesday, I was pleased that she didn't try again. I didn't want to hurt her feelings but it isn't my fault that I'm not interested anymore. I do sometimes catch her looking at me and I know what she wants, but it’s not what I want any more. Cole has done something to me, he has ruined me for everyone else and it scares the shit out of me. I’m in trouble and hopefully whatever this is that is going on between us, after this weekend it will be out of my system and I can move on. But then I wonder; do I want it to end and Cole to be out of my system?
       After the film has finished Roxie and I start on the second bottle of wine. It's now midnight but we're wide awake dancing and singing around our apartment in just our pajamas. Roxie stops and looks down at her phone. "Shit!" She looks at me with wide eyes. "It's Mason, he said they're on their way."
       I freeze on the spot and look down at my pink pajamas. "Fuck!"
       Without another word we both run into our bedrooms. I apply some basic make-up as quick as I can, but before I have a chance to change out of my pajamas the sound of the intercom buzzes. I hear Roxie curse loudly, speaking my exact same thoughts out loud. I answer the phone beside the door and Roxie comes to stand by me. She is still in her pajamas too, glad I'm not alone ."Hello?"
        "Hey Lacey." It's Cole and just the sound of his voice is affecting me. I buzz them into the building.
       "What the fuck?" Why are they here? They shouldn't be here until tomorrow!" Roxie hisses. Two loud knocks on our front door makes us both jump. Roxie opens the door and I have to hold myself back from jumping into Cole's arms. He looks fucking amazing! Tight black jeans and a fitting black shirt with short sleeves that reveal his tattoos, he's my Mr dark and

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