Hell's Revenge
three at a time, and sometimes, if I’m feeling particularly drained, I’ll have those taking me being fucked themselves.” The mental image was disturbing. I liked my two men, but somehow I didn’t think I’d ever be comfortable with them touching each other. In my world, it’s all about me. “ I think I’ll stick to my vanilla fun.”
    “Party pooper. You haven’t had a true threesome until you’ve been sandwiched. You really should try it sometime.”
    Yeah, when hell freezes over. Oops. That had already happened. I really needed to come up with a new expression.
    My men, seeing me tapping my foot impatiently, finally broke from their confab with the naked men and strode over to me. I wanted to go home, like right this instance, but lacked the magic to call a portal. Not that I could have in Nefertiti’s tower. She had some kick ass shields in place, almost as good as my dad’s.
    I linked my arm into those of both my men and between them, we left. I could feel their curiosity, but with the information spinning in my head, I was glad they didn’t ask me anything. I needed to figure out how much to tell them.
    Auric will expect me to be 100% honest. The problem was I didn’t know what he’d think of Nefertiti’s advice to abort. As a fallen angel, my first thought was he’d say no way. Some habits died hard, and even though I didn’t go to church or read the Bible, and while I’d never actually met him, I knew my uncle God didn’t approve of abortion at all.
    But given the troubles my dad had with God’s religious zealots when that human woman conceived my brother, the anti-Christ, I also realized apparently, in certain situations, the rules could sometimes be bent.
    On the flip side, given Auric’s propensity to want to save the world, I couldn’t actually be sure he wouldn’t agree with Nefertiti that the babe needed to go.
    And then there was David. Once upon a time, he was such a docile kitty, but now that he’d taken up permanent residence in my life and heart, the jerk had grown a backbone. Who knew what he’d want.

    Selfish or not, I didn’t know if I wanted them making the decision for me. This was, after all, my body, my baby and in my view, my choice. The real question was would I let them argue their case before I decided?
    We made it back home and I still hadn’t come any closer to an answer. I could smell an interrogation coming just by looking into Auric’s eyes, but I didn’t want to speak yet, not with words anyways. I threw myself in his arms and raised my lips for a kiss. I wanted, make that needed, skin to skin contact like yesterday.
    I loved the way they both read my mood, or smelled my desire, for only moments later we toppled into our really large bed, naked. David pressed in from the back, his mouth latching onto my neck and sucking, while his cock pulsed against my backside.
    Auric claimed my front, his lips melded to mine while his cock pressed between us hard and hot against my lower belly.
    David raised my hips and lowered me onto Auric’s cock. I threw my head back enjoying the feel of him inside me. I rocked on him while David nibbled on my neck from behind, his large hands cupping my breasts and tweaking my nipples. David pushed me down and Auric’s lips caught mine in a sweet kiss that made me forget everything but the pleasure invading my body. David kissed his way down my back to my buttocks. His hands spread my cheeks and he continued to lick his way down the crevice of my ass until he reached my rosette. I tore my mouth from Auric’s and tried to turn to see him and ask him what the fuck he thought he was doing, but Auric grabbed my face and forced me back.
    David licked my out hole, a strange sensation for sure that made me squirm, which in turn drove Auric’s cock deeper into me. Auric kept trying to distract me with his tongue, but it wasn’t until David’s odd licking stopped that I relaxed, only to tense up a moment later when a finger probed at my

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