Hell's Revenge
anus. Auric kept my face locked to his mouth so I couldn’t mouth my protest. David pushed at my tight ring with his finger, but made little headway. So the jerk changed tactics. He brought his other hand around to my front and pinched my clit.
    I bucked and he used that moment to penetrate my back hole with his digit. The strange sensation mixed with his pinching and rubbing of my clit sent me into a roaring climax that had all my vaginal muscles squeezing deliciously, forcing Auric to jet his cream into me with a grunt.
    My orgasmic waves hadn’t stopped when I found myself flipped onto my back, my legs spread wide so that David could take his turn plowing me. The renewed fucking stimulated my still quivering channel and thrust me into a second orgasm that milked David dry.
    Magic replenished, I laid there for a moment recuperating, my body smooshed on either side by my lovers.
    Then I let them have it. I jumped up from between them and stood over them like some glorious fifty foot tall naked woman “What the hell do you think you were doing?” I asked with a glare.
    David shrugged. “We were talking to Nefertiti’s lovers about some new stuff to try in the bedroom.”
    I admit that admission stole my tongue for a moment. “You what?” I sputtered. Oh fuck, what kind of perverted shit did they convince my boys to do?
    Auric tucked his hands behind his head and grinned at me unabashedly. “You can stop acting all indignant. I know you liked it. The proof is drying on my cock.” He kicked my legs out from under me and ensured I landed on his body.
    With his arms wrapped around me, I found it hard to hold onto my anger. “A little bit of warning next time,” I grumbled good-naturedly. Staying pissed seemed counterproductive given their goal to pleasure me in new and wonderful ways.
    “So you going to tell us what the old witch told you?” Auric asked.
    I caught a whiff of brimstone, sweat and utter ick. “I need a shower first.” I admit, I stalled. I wanted more time to think over what I’d learned. After the shower, I faked fatigue, not entirely untrue given I’d sneaked out before getting some sleep. But I knew I couldn’t avoid the questions forever, even if I was prepared to run from the answers.

Chapter Three
    I woke late in the afternoon to the sound of the boys cooking breakfast—lucky me—
    and listening to Sportsnet. Although the smoky scent of bacon tempted me, I stayed hidden under the covers, not ready to deal with them and their inevitable curiosity. I expected, make that knew, Auric would press me for details. I just didn’t know how much to tell him. I needed to plan my next move and decide how I felt about everything that had occurred in the last twenty four hours. My emotions were on the roller coaster of life, and the dips and rushing speed were starting to make me nauseous. I wondered if I could avoid the inevitable a little longer by playing possum until it was time to go to work.
    Plotting dishonesty. I was truly turning into my father’s daughter and the thought didn’t please me at all. Auric and David deserved better.
    The TV shut off and I heard the door to the apartment open and shut. Silence reigned for several minutes and I blew out a noisy breath.
    “Going to tell me what’s going on?”
    Startled, I yelled. I peeked out from under the covers and saw Auric standing beside the bed with his arms crossed. Bloody man moved as quietly as my damned cat. “I don’t suppose we can have sex instead?” My hopeful question lightened his expression a touch.
    “Time to stop hiding, Muri.” He sat on the edge of the bed, his green eyes soft as a spring grass. “What did Nefertiti tell you? And why does it have you so freaked out?” I sat up and let the sheet fall, but even the display of my fabulous bosom didn’t make his intent stare veer away. I pouted. “I’m pregnant.”
    “I think we already came to that conclusion. Now tell me the part I don’t know.”
    “It’s a

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