Henry IV

Henry IV by Chris Given-Wilson Read Free Book Online

Book: Henry IV by Chris Given-Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Given-Wilson
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    Lloyd, J. E., Owen Glendower (Oxford, 1931)
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    Lunt, W., Financial Relations of the Papacy with England II, 1327–1534 (Cambridge, MA, 1962)
    Lutkin, J., ‘Luxury and Display in Gold and Silver at the Court of Henry IV’, in Fifteenth-Century England IX , ed. L. Clark (Woodbridge, 2010), 155–78
    Lutkin, J., ‘Goldsmiths and the English Royal Court 1360–1413’, (unpublished PhD thesis, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, 2008)
    Lydon, J., ‘Ireland: Politics, Government and Law’, in A Companion to Britain in the Later Middle Ages , ed. S. Rigby (London, 2009), 335–56
    Macdonald, A., Border Bloodshed. Scotland, England and France at War, 1369–1403 (East Linton, 2000)
    McFarlane, K., John Wycliffe and the Beginnings of English Nonconformity (Oxford, 1953)
    McFarlane, K., Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights (Oxford, 1972)
    McFarlane, K., The Nobility of Later Medieval England (Oxford, 1973)
    McHardy, A., ‘The Effects of War on the Church: The Case of the Alien Priories in the Fourteenth Century’, in England and her Neighbours 1066–1453: Essays in Honour of Pierre Chaplais , eds M. Jones and M. Vale (London, 1989), 277–95
    McHardy, A., ‘De Heretico Comburendo, 1401’, in Lollardy and the Gentry in the Later Middle Ages , eds M. Aston and C. Richmond (Stroud, 1997), 112–26
    McHardy, A., ‘John Scarle: Ambition and Politics in the Late Medieval Church’, in Image, Text and Church, 1380–1600. Essays for Margaret Aston , eds L. Clark, M. Jurkowski and C. Richmond (Toronto, 2009), 68–93
    McHardy, A., ‘The Chapel Royal in the Reign of Henry V’, in Henry V: New Interpretations , ed. G. Dodd (York, 2013), 128–56
    Mackman, J., ‘Hidden Gems in the Records of the Common Pleas: New Evidence on the Legacy of Lucy Visconti’, in The Fifteenth Century VIII , ed. L. Clark (Woodbridge, 2008), 59–72
    McNiven, P., Heresy and Politics in the Reign of Henry IV (Woodbridge, 1987)
    McNiven, P., ‘The Cheshire Rising of 1400’, BJRL 52 (1969–70), 375–96
    McNiven, P., ‘The Betrayal of Archbishop Scrope’, BJRL 54 (1971), 173–213
    McNiven, P., ‘The Scottish Policy of the Percies and the Strategy of the Rebellion of 1403’, BJRL 62 (1979–80)’, 498–530
    McNiven, P., ‘Prince Henry and the English Political Crisis of 1412’, History 65 (1980), 1–18
    McNiven, P., ‘The Problem of Henry IV's Health’, EHR 100 (1985), 747–72
    McNiven, P., ‘Rebellion, Sedition and the Legend of Richard II's Survival in the Reigns of Henry IV and Henry V’, BJRL 76 (1994), 93–117
    Maddicott, J., Thomas of Lancaster 1307–1322 (Oxford, 1970)
    Maddicott, J., Law and Lordship: Royal Justices as Retainers in Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century England (Past and Present Supplement 4, Oxford, 1978)
    Matthew, E., ‘The Financing of the Lordship of Ireland under Henry V and Henry VI’, in Property and Politics in Later Medieval English History , ed. A. Pollard (Gloucester, 1984), 97–115
    Mayhew, N., ‘From Regional to Central Minting’, in A New History of the Royal Mint , ed. C. Challis (Cambridge, 1992), 83–178
    Milner, J., ‘The English Enterprise in France in 1412–13’, in Trade, Devotion and Governance: Papers in Later Medieval History , eds D. Clayton, R. Davies and P. McNiven (Stroud, 1994), 80–101
    Milner, J., ‘The English Commitment to the 1412 Expedition to France’, in The Fifteenth Century XI , ed. L. Clark (Woodbridge 2012), 9–23
    Morgan, P., War and Society in Late Medieval Cheshire 1277–1403 (Chetham Society, Manchester, 1987)
    Morgan, P., ‘Henry IV and the Shadow of Richard II’, in Crown, Government and People in the Fifteenth Century , ed. R. Archer (Stroud, 1995),

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