Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dakota Dawn Read Free Book Online

Book: Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dakota Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Dawn
Tags: Romance
Lunn asked before he could.
    Troy shrugged his shoulder. “I don’t know. Only time will tell.”
    “The girls are coming back. Let’s save this discussion for another time. I don’t want Katarina to think we’re all crazy,” he whispered as he watched all three women get closer to them.
    The men all nodded their agreement.
    “You guys ready to play?” Rain asked cheerily.
    “Yep,” Troy and Trey said at the same time. The identical twins were eerily indistinguishable at times.
    The group moved to the dart area, and he pulled Katarina close to him. “Hey guys, this is Katarina, my new manager. She has kindly agreed to be Lunn’s partner.” He pointed them out as he introduced them. “This is Troy, Trey, and their wife, Branda. You will be working with her sometimes. She does cookie and fruit arrangement for most of our parties. Next we have Trent and his wife, Rain. Yes, Trent is the brother of Troy and Trey. Now let’s get this started. I feel a winning streak coming on.”
    Troy and Trey groaned in unison.
    * * * *
    Katarina couldn’t believe Gaven had asked her to play with Lunn. Her wicked mind conjured up a picture of her playing with both of them in an extra-large bed, but Gaven hadn’t shown any sexual interest in her. At least he was letting her into his circle of friends. That had to mean something, right? A current danced around her body, causing goose bumps to alight on her arms. It felt like a strong presence was circling her. As she looked around and tried to focus on the invisible force in the room, a voice whispered in her mind. You have been found worthy. Help will be coming soon. She stood dumfounded as the presence faded away.
    What the hell was happening? She took a calming breath and turned her attention to the others around her. Nobody else seemed to have been affected by the presence. She longed to share what had just happened, but she didn’t want them to think she was a freak. In her lonely hotel room, she’d mull over what happened, but not now.
    Branda and Rain walked up to her.
    Rain spoke first. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you. My brother-in-law, Marshall, was the last manager of this pub. We stole him for one of our family businesses.”
    She laughed and briefly touched Rain’s arm. “I guess I should be thanking you for opening the position up for me.”
    “You’re welcome. Gaven says you are doing a great job,” Rain responded.
    Branda spouted, “Yeah, maybe even better than Marshall.”
    Rain whipped her attention to Branda and raised a brow. “You do remember that I’m your partner, don’t you?”
    “Gaven inferred it. I think you should kick his butt in darts as payback.” Branda shrugged and grinned mischievously.
    Gaven rushed to say, “Troy, get your wife under control. She’s trying to start a fight.” He swung his gaze to Rain. “What I said was that Katarina is doing just as good as Marshall did.” He pointed at his eyes then pointed at Branda. “I’m watching you.”
    Trent nudged Gaven. “Don’t let Branda get to you. She’s just trying to rattle you so you won’t win tonight.”
    Gaven raised his shoulders and then let them drop. He repeated the motion several times. “Thanks. You’re probably right, man. It’s game on.”
    She watched as they discussed what order to go in. The all-girl team would go first, then Lunn and herself would go, then the twins, and last, Gaven and Trent.
    Lunn stepped close to her. “Gaven likes to go last. We’ll have to watch him. He sneaks up and wins almost every time. How good are you at darts?”
    Making a face, she answered, “Not very. How about you?” She hoped winning this game didn’t mean much to him. From being around him at her papa’s club, she knew he was used to winning fights, at least.
    “Medium,” he responded.
    She grinned. “So what you’re telling me is that we are about to lose.”
    “That about sums it up. Now you know not to take Gaven up on any cash bets,” Lunn spoke

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