masterfully in her hair, but, when she would press her finger firmly against his perineum, he would tip back his head and close his eyes.
While he wasn’t watching, she’d masturbate herself to a quiet orgasm. Sneaking one in always felt naughty, and the idea that she might get caught gave her a secret thrill.
“I’m going to clamp your nipples,” Master Devon said.
As he spoke, he gently rolled each hardened, sensitised peak between a thumb and forefinger. She leant forward, wordlessly asking for more.
Master Gabriel offered Master Devon a pair of clamps.
Both men were similar, yet completely different. Master Devon tended to be gentler than his partner. Yet he was just as unyielding.
He placed the clamps, and she gritted her teeth. Because the scene was different, she wasn’t aroused, and she felt the pain more keenly.
“Breathe through it,” Master Gabriel coached.
With the plug and clovers, and the way her legs were spread so far apart, she wasn’t sure she could.
“You’ll be fine,” Master Devon told her.
Shocking her, he tipped back her head.
“Open your mouth.”
Expecting a gag, and not happy about it, feeling like a sub and not someone who paid big money for the cruise, she parted her lips.
Master Devon shocked her.
He put one hand at her nape and kept the chain of her clamps curled in one fist. He claimed her mouth, alternating between teasing and tongue-fucking her. He held her tenderly, but imprisoned. And as he took more from her, he tugged on the chain.
She was dazed, confused, hungry for more, desperate for it not to end. Her pussy moistened some more, and her body felt softened by the act that felt more emotional than physical, more caring than domineering.
Too soon he ended the kiss. Her mouth felt slightly bruised, and any pain she’d been aware of was gone.
“I should have done that years ago.”
The earth felt unsteady beneath her feet in a way that had nothing to do with being on a ship.
“Master Gabriel is going to beat you.”
The way the scene was unfolding, she realised that the two men had planned this ahead of time.
“It’s an erotic beating, not a punishment. Between the two of us, we’re going to make sure you have an unforgettable experience.”
She already was.
He released her and undressed, placing his clothes in a neat pile.
He turned back to face her. His cock was hard, and she noticed that he’d shaved his cock and his balls. Sensual hunger engulfed her.
She remembered the way he tasted, the way his penis filled her mouth, the way he’d fucked her.
Master Gabriel unfastened her wrists and rubbed circulation back into them. “I’m going to secure you to a ceiling hook.”
Another new experience .
Master Devon played with her, tugging her chain, squeezing her breasts, trailing his fingers across her cunt. “Raise your hands,” he coached her.
“Give me some room to work here,” Master Gabriel said.
Somehow he retied her hands above her head and secured her to the hook. He raised her up a little, stretching her body, but not in a way she couldn’t endure.
“Your breasts look beautiful in this position,” her other Dom said.
“I meant to use this on you yesterday,” Master Gabriel told her, showing her the flogger.
It had at least a dozen leather strands. Thankfully, they were thick. Its hits should feel more thuddy than stingy, if he wielded it correctly.
“But spanking your delectable ass was too hard a temptation to resist. You need to be punished for distracting me.”
His words made her even hornier, and Master Devon squeezed one of her breasts tightly.
Master Gabriel moved behind her and arranged her hair over one shoulder. “I’ll warm you up then intensify the beating,” he informed her.
The first hit felt like a caress on her buttocks.
Like a lover trying to ignite nerve endings, he struck her thighs, behind her knees, then her back randomly, middle, lower, upper.
He already knew how to read her. He kept backing