HH01 - A Humble Heart
ever seen. She sent him a shy smile,
    blushed, and stared at the floor, but that wasn’t what shocked him.
    A little boy, a toddler perhaps and cute as hell, stepped into the trailer, taking his mother’s hand into his and smiled
    devilishly towards him. Edward blinked, once, twice and then again as he studied the boy. Holy hell…..this was eerie. The
    little boy looked just like him. Correction the little boy looked exactly the way he did when he was a toddler. Amy was going
    to go into hysterics when she caught a glimpse of this kid.
    Dana talked to Deana for another minute before the woman left, but not before she wiggled her fingers at him and grinned,
    then winced. He watched as Dana knelt down in front of her children and said hello. She gave them each a warm smile, hug,
    and a kiss before turning her attention back to him.
    “Edward, this is my daughter,” she gently pulled the shy little girl forward, “Elizabeth, and this little man is my son,
    “Hi,” Elizabeth said shyly, not looking up from the floor.
    Cole released his mother’s hand and walked casually over to stand in front of him. Edward couldn’t help but grin at the
    little guy. Cole crossed his arms over his little chest and looked Edward over. Then with a slight nod as if what he saw met
    with his approval Cole thrust out his hand.
    “I’m Cole,” he announced.
    Edward reached out and took the small little tanned hand into his own. He was surprised how delicate and warm the hand
    felt. He’d never really been around kids. Hell, he couldn’t think of anyone he knew who had kids.
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cole. I’m Edward.”
    Cole nodded firmly as he took his hand away and gestured to his bigger sister. “Dats Elizabeth.”
    Edward smiled at the little girl. “It’s nice to meet you, Elizabeth.”
    Elizabeth gave him another one of those shy smiles.
    “Hello,” she said softly.
    While he was saying hello to Elizabeth Cole took it upon himself to climb onto his lap.
    “Ah, Cole, what did we talk about?" Dana asked, looking embarrassed.
    Edward chuckled as he adjusted the boy so he could straddle the end of his leg. Cole leaned forward, planted both elbows
    on the table and rested his chin in his upturned hands, no doubt giving his mother an innocent look.
    “It’s okay,” Edward said.
    “He’s my new friend,” Cole announced.
    Dana worried her lip. “I’m really sorry.”
    “It’s really okay,” Edward chuckled. “Like he said we’re buddies.”
    “See,” Cole said smugly.
    Elizabeth gently tugged on Dana’s tee shirt. “What is it, baby girl?” Dana asked.
    “We didn’t get to do the food shopping today, because of Deana’s tooth. Are we going to do it now?”
    “I guess we’re gonna have to if you guys want to eat, huh?”
    Elizabeth nodded firmly.
    “I get to sit in the carriage!” Cole announced.
    “That’s not fair!” Elizabeth replied.
    Dana pinched the bridge of her nose between two fingers. “Guys, it’s just the three of us. I can’t push two carriages so
    only one of you can sit in the carriage and since Cole is the youngest I’m afraid it’s going to have to be him.”
    Instead of arguing or throwing a fit like he’d seen countless number of kids do out in public Elizabeth nodded dutifully.
    “Okay, Mommy.”
    Dana pushed a loose strand of hair back as she focused on him. “I’m really sorry about this.”
    Edward waved it off. “Don’t worry about it.” Then a thought occurred to him. “What grocery store are you going to?”
    She frowned as she answered. “McKinley's over by Pizza Genius.”
    Perfect. That was five minutes away from his house, a house that currently held no food or beverages in it. “Any chance
    you wouldn’t mind me tagging along and teaching me how to shop?”

Dana and Elizabeth laughed as they watched Edward struggle with the little cloth seat belt of the carriage. Cole tried to
    belt himself into the carriage, but it didn’t

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