Highland Hellion (Blades of Honor #1)

Highland Hellion (Blades of Honor #1) by B.J. Scott Read Free Book Online

Book: Highland Hellion (Blades of Honor #1) by B.J. Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.J. Scott
return home, regroup, and calmly figure out a way to free her. Going off without thinking it through will only get her killed, and you as well. This isna the time to let your feelings for the lass rule your head.”
    “You have no idea what you are blathering about,” Garrett snapped.
    “You just admitted you are in love with her,” Logan reminded him. “Besides, it is no secret you have been smitten with her since you were a lad.”
    Garrett bit back another curse. His cousin knew him too well. Logan also made sense when he suggested they wait and plan the rescue. While his heart dictated he throw caution to the wind and rush headlong into the castle with his sword drawn and demand her release, it was a fool’s errand at best. “If anything happens to Arya, I will never forgive myself. I should never have let her accompany us.”
    “Second-guessing your decision willna change things.” Logan placed his hand on Garrett’s shoulder. “She insisted on coming, and there was nothing you could have done to stop her. Had you left her behind, she would have followed us.”
    “Then I should have tied her to a tree so she couldna tag along,” Garrett snapped. “It is my fault for not doing everything in my power to stop her.”
    “I’d have liked to have seen you try.” Logan chuckled. “Arya knew the risks. She is not like other women, but then you already know that. She has more skills than many of the men who accompanied us and fought like a warrior. At one point I caught a glimpse of her battling two of Campbell’s men at the same time, and she appeared to have the upper hand. Unfortunately, I lost sight of her, and it was not long after that I learned she’d been captured, along with six of our men.”
    “Logan is right.” Seamus stepped forward. “We need to return home and warn our kin to be prepared for a possible retaliatory visit from the Campbell’s men. Once we know our wives and bairns are safe, we can gather some volunteers, rearm ourselves, and try to figure out the best way to get Arya and the others home safely.”
    Logan did not wait for Garrett’s rebuttal. “Callum, fetch the horses. We will have to ride two aback, but it is better than walking.”
    Callum nodded, then sprinted off, returning a few moments later with two destriers.
    “I know you are worried about Arya and with good reason, cousin. But this is the only way,” Logan said as he hoisted Garrett into the saddle. “If we leave now, we’ll be home by nightfall. We can secure the village, gather the men, and leave at first light.”
    Garrett had no choice but to comply. His strength was waning, and without extra men, trying to get into Campbell’s keep would be useless. “What am I going to tell her mother? I promised Scotia, I would not allow Arya to go on any more raids.”
    “She knows how stubborn her daughter can be.” Logan mounted behind Garrett, then grasped the reins. “Tell her the truth, and that we plan to do everything in our power to get her back.”
    “Easier said than done,” Garrett replied, then released a heavy sigh. “Best we make haste. Every minute is precious if we have any hope of rescuing Arya.”
    “Glad you, agree.”
    “Do I have another option?” Garrett grumbled.
    “Nay. Let’s go,” Logan shouted to the others, then kicked his horse into a trot.
    The guard opened the heavy wooden door, revealing the steep stairs leading into the dungeon. Arya’s stomach twisted at the sickening stench of excrement and death wafting up from the bowels of the castle. It was worse than she’d remembered. She drew in a deep breath and took her first step.
    “Make haste. We dinna have all bloody day,” the man growled and shoved her from behind.
    She tripped, then tumbled down the steps, landing at the base of the stairs on her hands and knees. Arya rocked back on her heels, resting for a minute on the cold, damp floor, before slowly rising. She glared at the guard. “Let’s get on with

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