“Don’t act crazy? Did you see the way that man was looking at you?”
A shocked expression came over Evan’s face. “What?” A seemingly confused Evan questioned as she searched through her purse for her keys. “Don’t be ridiculous. He was working on my computer.”
“It looks like he was trying to do more than that. I know how a man looks at a woman he’s interested in.”
“He’s a godly man.”
Mimi put her hands on her hip. “What? Godly men don’t fall in love?”
“Not with other men’s wives.”
Mimi grunted. “Oh, okay.”
Evan placed her purse strap on her shoulder and looked at Mimi clearly not amused. “I think he’d be the perfect man for you. He loves the Lord and is real easy on the eyes. I’m sure you wouldn’t be opposed to a nice evening with dinner and a movie. What more can a woman want?”
“That he is but he’s certainly not interested in me. I can see that.” Mimi winked. “That man couldn’t see anything but you in this room.”
“Don’t talk crazy. Someone may hear that foolishness.” Evan shook her head and walked to her door and opened it.
Mimi rubbed her hands together devilishly. “Say what you will but there’s nothing like some juicy church gossip to stir things up.”
“You’re disgusting; he’s not like that in the least. Let’s go eat.” Evan swung her bag over her shoulder and walked out, Mimi snickering behind.
Chapter 9
The smell of cooked Italian sausage in the stuffed peppers lingered throughout the house as Evan stared at the clock. She had made one of Leon’s favorite dishes along with a large bowl of salad and buttered yeast rolls. She had gotten over not going to the pastor’s conference; she had missed him and she wanted him to know it.
She called Leon at the church and on his cell phone several times just to see what time she should expect him but she still hadn’t been able to reach him. Calling the church again wasn’t an option since Leanne, the church receptionist said that she had been there all day and that Leon had left hours ago. Evan embarrassingly pretended to forget that she was aware of Leon’s schedule to leave the church early today.
Maybe it wasn’t even necessary to do that with Leanne and Evan felt silly for even doing it in the first place but what else could an insecure wife do in her situation? Sitting at the large shiny mahogany table, she tapped it with her newly polished gel nails debating whether to call Mimi or blow the candle out and call it a night. She wasn’t ready to give up quite yet.
“Hey girl, what are you doing?” Evan asked Mimi.
“About to take a shower; what’s the matter?”
Evan sighed. It was one reason why she didn’t want to call Mimi because she knew Evan too well.
“Oh nothing much; I made a really nice dinner and,” Evan paused staring at her fingernails mindlessly, “Leon’s not home yet and he won’t pick up his phone.”
“I left the church around 5:30ish but he had been gone a good while before then.”
Evan stood up and walked toward the stove where the peppers were. She took out a fork, dug into one and shoved a large forkful of rice in her mouth.
“These peppers are so good,” Evan said. “You know he loves these things.”
Mimi was silent. Evan knew what that meant. Mimi didn’t want to hear Evan beat around the bush.
“I don’t think he had appointments at least there were none on his calendar for tonight,” Mimi chimed in.
Evan shrugged her shoulders walking out of the kitchen to the foyer to check if she had heard Leon’s Mercedes. “He could have made a stop at someone’s house, you know how he does,” Evan responded.
“What does that mean?” Evan asked.
“It means that even if he was doing God’s work, he should have picked up your call.” Mimi huffed.
“Everybody doesn’t have their cell phones attached to their hips like you, Mimi,” Evan said feeling herself getting angry