His First Lady

His First Lady by Kym Davis Boyles Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: His First Lady by Kym Davis Boyles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kym Davis Boyles
wishing she had rethought calling Mimi.
    “I’m on my way over.”
    “No!” Evan shouted hearing Mimi shuffling on the phone. She wasn’t in the mood to do this with Mimi. Leon was right; she needed to find more pastors wives to befriend.
    “Why not?” Mimi asked with a light attitude in her voice.
    “Because I trust my husband, Mimi,” Evan said wanting to just hang up the phone. “He’s a pastor and they don’t have 9 to 5 schedules, as much as I wish he did. I’m used to it.”
    “You get used to things without ever questioning them.”
    “I knew I shouldn’t have called you.” Evan put her head back and squeezed her eyes tightly in frustration. This must have been what it was like fighting with your sister; something she knew nothing about being an only child.
    “But you did, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” Mimi said.
    “Mimi, I called you because I needed you to just be my friend and listen. How would it look for Leon’s First lady to be riding around town looking for him?”
    “You would look like all the other wives in your shoes,” Mimi replied.
    “No. I don’t need you encouraging me to ride around like some ghetto teenager looking to catch my husband with somebody. I trust Leon and just wanted to let out some frustration and instead of you being a good friend, you promote my insecurity and I hate that I called you!”
    There was silence on the phone as Evan tried to calm down by inhaling and exhaling deeply.
    “I apologize,” Mimi said somberly. “I wasn’t trying to do that.”
    Evan took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to yell at you,” Evan said. “It’s just that I made this nice dinner and lit candles and everything and he’s not home yet. I know you’re only trying to help.”
    “He probably just made a home visit or something. I hope you both have a good night trying for that baby he wants.”
    Evan stared at the flicker of the candle lights in front of her; mesmerized. Why was Mimi bringing up such a sensitive subject?
    Evan sighed. “Why is that such a big deal to everybody?”
    Mimi hesitated. “It isn’t. People just love marriage and babies, that’s all. I get angry when people ask me why I’m not married. Why are you suddenly taking this so seriously?”
    “I’m just tired of people bringing it up.”
    “People just can’t wait to see you have some beautiful babies. Besides you’re young, married to a pastor and have a house that’s way too big for two people and it might actually make Leon a nicer guy.”
    Evan groaned. “I think I hear Leon.” She lied.
    “Okay,” Mimi said. “I’m going to put on some jazz and take a hot shower. Call me later if you need anything; love you,” Mimi said.
    “I love you, too,” Evan responded. She stared at the phone in a daze before placing it on the table.
    The longer Evan sat, the more agitated she became. She grabbed a napkin, wiped off the shiny lip gloss she had applied earlier then grabbed her keys and purse off the foyer table.

Chapter 10
    Evan was on her knees when Leon walked into the bedroom. Seeing Evan on her knees and in the middle of prayer didn’t prevent Leon from making unnecessary noise as he walked into their closet taking off his suit jacket and his shoes. She didn’t know how long she had been praying and crying out to God. But hearing the purposeful clank of Leon’s thick gold watch being tossed into his accessory box, she was sure that he didn’t care. He walked out of the closet and sighed loudly. Evan tried to continue praying but unable to concentrate, she stood up.
    Evan glanced in Leon’s direction as she walked over to her vanity and sat down. She placed her hair in a ponytail while eyeing him through the mirror.
    “How was your day, sweetheart?” Evan asked with her hand shaking slightly as she placed a moisturizer on her neck and elbows.
    “Fine,” A scowled face Leon answered not bothering to look over at her opening the top dresser

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