silver spoon in his mouth and now he had a china cabinet full of platinum. What a fool.
Jamie inhaled deeply and refused to give Geno anymore of her mental energy until she boarded the plane to go see him. He would have to wait, and if he had one more incident, she was going to drop him. She already didn’t want to take him on as a client but Ryan the head of the office in LA swore that he could handle it, so she approved it, against her better judgement. Now she had to deal with the little fuck up herself!
Whoosaa, don’t think about him right now. He’s not worth it. Just breathe, inhale and exhale. Good, that’s better. He’s not worth it, don’t let his lack of thinking get to you. Just charge him extra, put him back in the public’s good graces, and move on with your life.
“Jamie, Mr. Sparks is here,” her assistant said through the speaker.
“Just Mr. Sparks? His wife isn’t here?”
“No, he’s here alone.”
“Hmm, okay, send him in.”
Jamie took another sip of her scalding hot coffee and prayed that it kicked in soon. It was her third cup of the morning and she still wasn’t feeling it. However, her nerves were terrible. All she could think about was her dream as he made his way to her office. She shook her head and tried not to think about the way that he felt inside of her. Well, the way that she thought he would feel. It would have been a lot easier if his wife were with him, but now he was going to be in her space alone. She would have to suck it up and get on with it.
Nathan walked into Jamie’s office and for a moment Jamie stood there frozen. Why did he have to be so damned beautiful? He wasn’t in a t-shirt and jeans like he was in her dream but he was wearing a tailored black suit, a textured black vest, and a blue tie. He looked downright presidential. Her breath caught momentarily. He was sex on a stick. What woman wouldn’t want hit him over the head with a club and drag him to her cave? Wait, did men do that to the women or did the women do that to the men?
“Good morning Jamie,” Nathan said with a smile. “I know that I’m a bit early.”
Jamie closed the gap between them and shook his hand, “It’s okay, I’ve been ready for quite some time. Where’s Stephanie?”
“Stephanie’s running late. She really wants to be here but she’s being held up. Hopefully she’ll arrive soon, she knows how much I hate it when she’s not on time.” He shrugged casually, “But she still does whatever she pleases. I guess that’s the cost of marriage.”
Jamie laughed lightly, “That price doesn’t seem too steep. We all have to deal with someone’s shit. I’m sure that she’s paying a price as well.”
“Ah, she is. Everyone doesn’t want to be married to an OCD workaholic. If she had her way, we would vacation as much as George Bush Junior. However, that’s not my reality. I try not to micromanage but I need to make sure that things are running smoothly and there is a lot to oversee.”
“Indeed. I find it hard to keep my hands off of certain parts of my business as well. I’ve become a lot better at it, but I still have to peek in every now and then. When you stop looking that’s when people slack off,” Jamie said as she wagged her finger to emphasize her point.
Nathan was mesmerized by Jamie’s beauty. She was like a young Naomi Campbell, so damned smart but had some grit to her. The curves on her slender frame were accentuated by the royal blue pencil skirt she wore and orange silk blouse. It was an interesting choice of colors, but it worked on her. Her skin looked like it was glowing. Her dark skin with its red undertones did something to him. He wanted to reach out to touch her cheeks, they were so smooth and flawless. Every time she smiled, it lit up her face. She got his heart pumping when he saw her and it was unexpected.
He loved his wife, he did. She stuck with him from when he was only making a modest income and she believed in him when he was
Dominic K. Alexander, Kahlen Aymes, Daryl Banner, C.C. Brown, Chelsea Camaron, Karina Halle, Lisa M. Harley, Nicole Jacquelyn, Sophie Monroe, Amber Lynn Natusch