Hollywood Lust

Hollywood Lust by M. Z. Kelly Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hollywood Lust by M. Z. Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Z. Kelly
Carla spent most of her time at home.”
    “What about someone from her past…when…before she developed the disease?”
    “There was a boy…” Her eyes shifted. “Jimmy…Pulido, I think. Yes, they were together after high school for a few months.”
    After asking about an address or phone number for Pulido I got nothing back. I then said, “How did the relationship end?”
    She shrugged. “I think they just drifted apart. They both decided to go their separate ways.”
    “There was no animosity?”
    She shook her head.
    “What about girls? Was Carla attracted to other women?”
    Hodge’s features became pinched. She looked away. Her face softened as she exhaled. “Maybe…I don’t really know. We never talked about it.”
    “But you think she might have been?”
    She shrugged. “It could be. Like I said, we never discussed it.” She took a breath. “To tell you the truth, I don’t think there was anyone she was involved with in recent years. She was sort of a recluse, maybe because of the disease.” She teared up and found a tissue.
    After giving her a moment, Leo tempered his deep voice and asked, “Was Carla ever at a place called Bernstein Studios? It’s near Hollywood.”
    Hodge shook her head. “Not that I know of. Why are you asking that?”
    Leo glanced at me before saying, “A man named Bruce Reeder was killed ten years ago. He worked at Bernstein Studios. Does his name sound familiar to you?”
    She shook her head. “I still don’t understand your questions.”
    Leo lowered his voice further. “He was killed by the same weapon that was used on Carla.”
    Hodge stared at him, processing what he’d said. “You think the same man that killed her also killed this man you mentioned?”
    “It’s possible. We’re still trying to piece things together.”
    She looked away and sighed. “None of this makes any sense. Carla was about the most harmless person you could ever meet.” Her watery eyes found us. “Who would want to kill her?”
    I reached over and touched her hand. “I don’t know, but I promise you we’re going to find out.”

    We talked on the street for a moment after leaving Carla Hodge’s apartment. I said to Leo, “Not much to go on, really.”
    He rubbed a big paw over his shaved head and smiled. “Maybe, maybe not. At least we know your secretary was probably right about her sexual orientation.”
    “You think she could have been involved with someone that her mother didn’t know about who turned against her?” Selfie asked him.
    Leo shrugged. “Hard to say at this point. Why don’t you and…” He turned to me. “Your secretary?” I told him her name. “…you and Molly take a look at everyone she ever knew, going back to middle school. You never know what you might turn up.”
    After Selfie said they would make it a priority, I said to Leo, “Why don’t we plan on going by R&I in the morning, also talk to the coroner on Hodge. Maybe we can also track down Bruce Reeder’s ex-wife. Can you meet us at Section One?”
    “See you in Hollywood.”
    I was on my way home when I got a call from Natalie. “Me and Mo got us that security gig at the museum I mentioned the other day. Do you think you could stop by and give us your take on the caper?”
    I remembered her mentioning there had been a theft of artifacts from the Hollywood Movie Museum and that she and Mo had been hired to work security there. I was tired and wanted nothing more than to flop down on the sofa and forget about my day, but then I thought about all the times my friends had helped me out.
    “It’s on my way home,” I said. “Bernie and I can be there in about ten minutes.”
    “Meet you out front with Chewbacca,” Natalie said before ending the call.
    I had no idea what she meant about the Star Wars figure, but I did know from having lived in Hollywood my entire life that the museum was a repository of movie props, costumes, and memorabilia, going back to the early days

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