Hot Shot

Hot Shot by Matt Christopher Read Free Book Online

Book: Hot Shot by Matt Christopher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matt Christopher
candies from Cutler’s. He lifted the
     lid, grabbed several drops, and stuffed them into his mouth. He barely tasted the chocolate peanut butter treats yet he kept
     eating. Over and over his hand dipped into the box until a third of the drops were gone.
    He sank down onto his bed. The candy churned in his stomach, mixing with his anger and frustration. He lay down and closed
     his eyes, willing the nausea to pass.
    There was a soft knock on his door. He grunted but didn’t move. The door creaked open.
    “You have a visitor,” his mother said.
    “Who is it?”
    “It’s Alex,” a different voice said.
    Julian’s eyes flew open in surprise. “Uh, hi. What’re you doing here?”
    Alex stepped into the room. “My mom and I live a few doors down. We brought you guys some brownies. I thought maybe you’d
     like to hang out or something. But maybe you’d rather be alone?”
    “Nah, come on in. I’m just…” He sighed.
    “Bummed out? Confused? So angry you could spit—or slam doors?” Alex guessed.
    Julian nodded. “Yeah, all those things.”
    Alex sat on the floor and stretched out his legs. “Welcome to the club.”
    Julian closed the door and turned to look at Alex. “It wasn’t just my imagination, was it? Coach Boyd
ignoring me—ignoring us?”
    “If by ‘us’ you mean the nonstarters, yeah.”
    “How can you stand it?” Julian burst out.
    Alex shook his head. “Good question. The thing is, Coach Boyd wasn’t that way last year. We all saw equal playing time, and
     practices were for the whole team.”
    Julian picked up his autographed basketball and tossed it from hand to hand. “So what happened to change that?”
    Alex screwed up his face as if trying to decide how best to explain it. “You’ve heard of Kobe Bryant, Le-Bron James, Kevin
     Garnett, right?”
    “Of course! They’re all superstars in the NBA.”
    “Right. And they have something else in common too.”
    Julian nodded. “They were all drafted into the pros right out of high school.”
    Suddenly, he remembered the argument he’d overheard between the high school coach and Coach Boyd. Understanding struck him
     like a thunderbolt. “That’s what the coach hopes will happen with his sons, isn’t it?”
    Alex shot a finger gun at Julian. “Bingo! He sent Peter and Paul to an exclusive basketball camp this past summer. I guess
     they performed well enough to impress a few people. Now Coach Boyd is pushing for them to get as much playing time as they
     can. The more coverage they get in the papers and local media, the more likely he thinks it’ll be that the NBA scouts will
     hear about them, and come calling.”
    Julian remembered what Alex had said about being Web-worthy. He could understand why the coach might think his plan could
     pay off. “Are they really that good?” Julian asked.
    Alex shrugged. “Peter is better than average, I guess. But is he or Paul NBA material?” He shook his head. “As far as Paul’s
     concerned, at least, I’d have to say his ego is greater than his talent.”
    Julian got up and paced the room, stopping near his dresser. “So we’re stuck sitting on the bench while he gets all the playing
    “Unless something changes, probably.”
    The two boys were silent as they contemplated that fact. Julian, deep in thought, absently plucked another Triple Chocolate
     Peanut Butter Drop from the box and popped it into his mouth.
    “What are those things, anyway?” Alex asked. Julian told him about the candy and then offered him some. Alex accepted and
     chewed appreciatively. “Wow. These are awesome. Got any more?”
    Julian laughed ruefully. “Not as many as I had earlier tonight.” He handed Alex the box. “Maybe I should bring the rest to
     practice tomorrow. Then you and I and the other nonstarters will have something to do—eat!”
    He had meant it as a joke, of course, but to his surprise, Alex shook his head vigorously. “Don’t bring them, whatever you
     do! Or

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