Twin Dangers

Twin Dangers by Megan Atwood Read Free Book Online

Book: Twin Dangers by Megan Atwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Atwood
began to relax too.
    â€œJust curious, though, what are you doing here? What are you looking for in this godforsaken back room?” Geraldine squinted at Kayley. “You aren’t looking for that one book you borrowed before …?”
    â€œOh no. No, no, no, no, no, no,” Kayley said.
    Geraldine looked confused and shrugged. “Is there anything I can help with? I forgot my phone here today, so I came back to get it. But while I’m here, I can always do my job.”
    â€œWe’re looking for legends and stuff,” Emma said. “About Dario Quincy.”
    Geraldine eyed Kayley. “Another school project?”
    Kayley looked down at the ground and shook her head.
    â€œThis one is a little more … personal,” Ophelia said. “We’re just interested.”
    Geraldine exhaled and pulled out her desk chair. “‘Just interested’ in the middle of the night, huh? Well, I do know a ton about this building and its history. Why don’t you tell me what you’re looking for, and I can tell you what I know.”
    The girls looked at one another. Sophie wondered if they should tell Geraldine the rest.
    Sophie made the decision for the others: “Well, we’re looking for any legends of a ghost. A jealous ghost that is out to kill.”

Chapter 11
    Sophie expected Geraldine to laugh, but she didn’t.
    â€œOh. You’re talking about Millicent.”
    â€œWho is Millicent?” Ophelia said. “What happened?”
    â€œWell,” Geraldine began, sitting back in her chair, “Millicent was a dancer here in the 1920s. The story is, she fell in love with a boy at the same time as her best friend. Back then, remember, boys and girls didn’t share this academy—it was strictly for girls. But the Monsieur who was running the place at the time would bring in male dancers for classes sometimes. And that’s where Millicent fell in love.”
    Sophie could hardly believe it. Maybe Ophelia was right—it was a ghost.
    â€œLet me guess,” Kayley said. “She didn’t die of natural causes?”
    Geraldine chuckled. “Oh, no. No, no, no. This was one of the worst tragedies in the many years of the Dario Quincy Academy. Millicent was about to declare her love to the boy—I think his name was Thomas—so the story goes, when her best friend beat her to it. Her friend—I forget her name—kissed Thomas on the very night that Millicent was going to make her move.
    â€œNow, keep in mind, Millicent was already a little nuts. Again, so the story goes. She was one of those artists who was maybe a bit over the top, needed emotion to fuel her work?”
    Sophie nodded. She knew those dancers. In a small way, she might have been one of them.
    Geraldine continued: “But when Millicent found Thomas kissing what’s-her-name, she lost it. They were on the third floor, I believe, in what is now the old science room. Back then, though, it was like a parlor room, a place where all the girls would hang out and chat. Millicent found a pair of scissors and stabbed what’s-her-name. What is her name …?”
    Geraldine’s thoughts overtook her, but Sophie had stopped paying attention. She was looking at Emma, who had gone completely white.
    â€œEmily!” Geraldine exclaimed triumphantly. “Her name was Emily.”
    But the other girls had turned to stare at Emma too.
    â€œThanks, Geraldine. That’s really helpful,” Emma said, her voice shaking.
    â€œOh, dear. I hope I didn’t scare you girls,” Geraldine said, leaning forward. She looked around the room, concerned. “This place can get to you …”
    Emma started to regain her color. “No, that was an interesting story. But I think it’s about time we went to bed.”
    Geraldine winked. “OK. We’ll keep this between us then, shall we? You won’t be in trouble for being out past curfew, and

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