Human After All
placed, lightly scented towel from the top drawer of the vanity. Gently, he wiped Valens’s crotch before wrapping his lover in his arms. Valens squeezed Cade’s hips with his thighs, running the soles of his feet down the backs of Cade’s muscular legs. Cade fulfilled his prophecy, lapping at the fine sheen of sweat on Valens’s neck and shoulders, working his way up to the Companion’s enticing lips. A few lazy kisses later, Valens reluctantly reminded the Speaker of their guests.
    “My friends will understand,” Valens said, his eyes gleaming with good humor. “But suppose the Deep gets spooked and calls off the Scenario?”
    Cade sighed, placing a final kiss on the young man’s damp neck. “Very well,” he said, pulling his pants up. “I’ll try to think of a new approach in my argument for Bioware rights. If I’m ever to call you my maritus in a legally binding sense, I have many laws to change. I hope your elegant friend the Prince has managed to change the Deep’s— Oh dear, I’m spending too much time with your set and picking up your slang.” A sheepish smile curved Cade’s lips as he amended his words. “I hope Jaymes has broadened the Deputy President’s views.”
    “Jaymes deserves some sort of medal.” Valens shuddered melodramatically. “The Deep is a handsome enough man, but he makes my skin crawl.”
    “He’s a first-rate admin. In the six years he’s been a pol-exec, he’s increased commerce and decreased unemployment. That’s no easy trick.”
    “I know he’s competent, but something about him still puts me off.”
    “I promise you that when we’re married, we’ll never have him over for dinner.” Cade finished fiddling with his tie and watched Valens dress. “I wish we could do it again right now.”
    “After the Deep’s gone, we can leave my friends in the salon as cover and sneak off to my place.”
    “I like your plan.” Cade brushed the dark auburn hair from Valens’s forehead and kissed him.
    “Then let’s join the others before they drink all the liquor.”
    Cade chuckled as he followed Valens back to the salon’s lounge room. “It looks as though we could’ve taken our time,” he said. “Ampery and your friend aren’t back yet.”

    “Y OUR skin is like—” Brandel Ampery paused, unable to think of an analogy that pleased him. “It’s very smooth and creamy.”
    Jaymes stifled the impulse to smile at the mental picture of himself as a pudding. He and the D.P. had been alone for almost fifteen minutes and hadn’t yet moved beyond the first contact stage. Taking a chance, he said something deliberately provocative. “Would you care to feel how smooth?”
    “It’s uncanny.” The gaunt politician cocked his head to one side. “There is not a trace of vulgarity in your words or manner.”
    “Would you like me to be… vulgar?” Jaymes raised an eyebrow in what could be taken for archness or disapproval.
    “No,” Ampery said quickly. “I don’t find that arousing at all.”
    “I’m of the opinion that there’s a time and a place for everything.” Jaymes looked around the private salon. “What shall we do in this place at this time?”
    “I’ve never been entertained by a Companion, but I confess that you intrigue me. As you were designed to do, of course.” Ampery paused. “I was hoping you might be my guide.”
    Jaymes was very familiar with the type of powerful man who craved being dominated in the bedroom, but Brandel Ampery didn’t seem the sort. The Companion thought he’d taken the Deputy President’s measure back in Speaker Londean’s salon, but now he was not sure. The politician gave away precious little in body language, and his expressions were carefully controlled. You saw only what he wished you to see. “Do you need me to teach you to love a man?” he asked with as little inflection as he could manage.
    One corner of Brandel’s mouth hooked upward. “No. I want you to tell me the guidelines. What is and

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