Hurricane Watch - DK2

Hurricane Watch - DK2 by Melissa Good Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hurricane Watch - DK2 by Melissa Good Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Good
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
observed the screen. ”Snakes.” She took a bite of chicken and then a mouthful of the steamed rice, which she’d put a touch of ginger and spices into. ”Hmm...rattlesnakes.” She shook her head. ”Jesus. He’s picking them up by the...Dar, he’s crawling into a cave of those things.
    Isn’t the Discovery Channel afraid they’re going to have a lawsuit on their hands when he gets eaten alive?”
    Dar pulled her plate over and took a bite. ”They probably had him sign a document in quintuplet that absolves them of any responsibility for him.” The spicy peanut sauce on the chicken contrasted with the gentle, gingery taste of the rice, and she sighed contentedly. ”Kerry, this is great.”
    ”Thank you.” Kerry took a sip of ice tea. ”We have strawberries for dessert, you know.”
    ”I know,” Dar chuckled softly, as she settled an arm over Kerry’s shoulders, eating one handed. ”What’s he doing now? his wife pregnant?”
    Kerry peered. ”Either that, or she's been munching on the crocodile crackers overtime.” She watched. ”And he drags her up into mountains, and hands her the tail of a rattlesnake to hold onto...Jesus!” The man on the screen cooed at the angry female rattlesnake. ”You gotta love them?
    No Steve. I don’t!”
    She chewed. ”He’s got such a cute accent, though.” She reached over and picked up a green bean from Dar’s plate, and offered it to her.
    ”Here, I sautéed them in a little garlic butter. Just pretend it’s a French fry.”Dar obligingly took the bean, chewing it speculatively. ”I think I’m being condescended to,” She blinked. ”Look at him. There must be a dozen snakes under that rock. Can’t he just leave it alone? Wait, did he just say ‘shit’?”
    Kerry's brow creased. ”Yeah, he just said ‘shit’. What's...oh man, Hurricane Watch
    did you see how pale he just got?” She turned up the sound a little. ”Oh Jesus. He’s got a snake between his legs.”
    Her lover burst out laughing. “Typical guy.”
    ”Tch, Dar. No. He’s got a rattlesnake between his legs! Look, they’re going nuts. He doesn’t know what to do!” They watched as the man on the screen eased out of the way, and scooted out of range.
    ”Wow. That was outrageous. I wonder if they’d show it if he actually got nailed in the nuts by a poisonous snake.”
    ”Well,” Dar laughed helplessly. ”At least he could get a tourniquet in place, unlike if he got bit on the face,” She sighed, and chewed a mouthful of rice. ”I think he’s an adrenaline junkie.”
    She quieted for a moment. Looking
    excitement...was that what was tugging her towards resuming the aggressiveness of competition? Otherwise, what was the attraction of going back ten years, and trying to recapture that particular bit of glory? Or was this a reaction to her turning thirty, a reassurance to her ego that she still had ‘it’?
    Now, that was a depressing thought.
    Conceit or a challenge it would just be fun to attempt Hmm. She took another bite of her rice, pausing as Kerry shifted and snuggled up next to her, letting her head rest on Dar’s shoulder.
    “You think I should go for it?”
    “Mm hmm,” Kerry nodded, her mouth full of chicken. She swallowed and licked her lips. “I love watching you fight.”
    Dar forgot about crocodiles as she looked at Kerry’s profile, both eyebrows lifting in surprise. “You do?”
    “Sure,” her partner cheerfully assured her. “It’s really sexy.” She found her jaw being gently gripped and her face turned so she was forced to meet Dar’s eyes. “What?”
    Both dark eyebrows were up near Dar’s hairline. “Sexy?”
    Kerry grinned. “Gonna do it?”
    Dar drummed her fingers on the arm of the couch, a thoughtful expression on her face.

    “SO, HOW’D A sharp girl like you end up in a rat’s nest like this?”
    The smile was meant to make her understand it was all in good fun.
    Kerry reflected,

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