Hurricane Watch - DK2

Hurricane Watch - DK2 by Melissa Good Read Free Book Online

Book: Hurricane Watch - DK2 by Melissa Good Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Good
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
master suite for the Hurricane Watch
    condo, and though she slept downstairs with Dar in the big waterbed, Kerry had taken pains to carve out her own little space here.
    She’d moved most of her things up from her apartment. It still seemed a bit strange to see Pooh holding out his arms for a hug from the comfortable, overstuffed chair perfectly situated for reading as the sunlight came in the room.
    She’d hung her pictures on the wall, and it was her quilt on the bed, and the dresser held her things in slight disarray.
    Go spend time back in Kendall? Kerry gave her head a faint shake.
    No way. This was home now, even if she and Dar hadn’t quite made that formal commitment to each other.
    She put her bag down and went to the glass doors, sliding them open. She went out onto the wraparound balcony to just stand and gaze out over the black, rippling water for a long moment, watching the quarter moon send a tiny splash of light over the waves. It smelled of salt, and the rich scent of the freshly fertilized lawn below her, and the hint of hickory smoke from the beach club just down the way.
    It was beautiful, and she loved it, even though she had to pinch herself sometimes just to prove it was real, and not just some outlandish dream. Not just the house, but her life. Sometimes she was a little afraid to go to sleep at night, fearing she’d wake up one day and it would all be gone as though it had never existed.
    A sigh. ”C'mon, Kerry, get changed, and stop being goofy.” She went back inside, closing the doors. Kerry slipped out of her work clothes, exchanging them for her favorite sleep shirt and hanging her jacket and skirt up in the huge walk in closet.
    A tiny whine alerted her, and she looked up as Chino pushed the door open with her nose, and came stumbling in, having laboriously negotiated the stairs. ”Hey, Chino. C'mere honey.” Kerry sat down and let the puppy scramble over her. She played with her for a minute then got to her feet and headed downstairs, with the animal trotting behind her. Dar was in her office, working on something, and she looked up as Kerry poked her head in. For a minute, they just looked at each other, and then Dar leaned back in her comfortable chair. ”That smells great.”
    She put her hands behind her head and exhaled, pulling the thin fabric of her worn baseball shirt against her body. ”Ken sprang something on me tonight. He broached the subject of me going back into competition.”
    Kerry came forward and perched on the arm of the couch.
    ”Really?” She watched Dar’s face. ”You think you want to?”
    Dar nibbled the inside of her lip. ”I don’t know. When he first mentioned it, I came up with all the reasons why I couldn’t, and they seemed like good ones.” She shrugged. ”I mean, it takes time, a lot of effort and training,” She sighed. ”It's been a long, long time. I don’t know if I could still do it.”

    Melissa Good
    ”But?” Kerry saw the indecision in her expression. “You’re thinking about it.”
    Both hands lifted, then fell to the arms of the chair. ”Maybe the stuff I’ve been doing with him triggered some stupid adolescent urge or something. I don’t know. I’ve been getting quite a kick out of trying to see how much I could get back.” She looked up. ”What do you think?”
    Kerry studied her in silence. ”I think you should go for it.” She grinned. ”I love the classes, but watching you and Ken go at it afterward has been such a blast. You get this incredible look on your face when you get past him.”
    Dar scratched her jaw, looking a touch embarrassed. ”I do?”
    ”Yes, you do.” Kerry held out a hand, as she checked her watch.
    ”Come on...we’ll talk about it over dinner. It should be ready.”
    They settled in front of the large screen television, Dar flipping it on after she set her gently steaming plate down. ”Oh, look, it’s the Crocodile Fanatic,” She peered. ”What’s he after now?”

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