I Think My Dad Is a Spy

I Think My Dad Is a Spy by Sognia Vassallo Read Free Book Online

Book: I Think My Dad Is a Spy by Sognia Vassallo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sognia Vassallo
Tags: Children's Mystery Fiction, Children's Fiction - Humorous
me some of the good streets and had given Michael the other ones, but he left me with Corella Court.
    Dad knew how much I hated that creepy street!
    Corella Court is a very strange little cul-de-sac and everyone who lives there is a WEIRDO! I don’t mind saying that because they are!
    Let’s start with number six, which reminds me of a fortress.
    The owners have a huge rock garden and a flagpole that flaunts a pale blue flag with a white cross.
    I often see the owner out in his pyjamas. He’s super-duper hairy just like a monkey, except he has a shiny bald spot on his head and wears a lot of gold chains. I think his name is Waldorf Ari-nio-cov…or something like that. It reminds me of a sneeze with ‘cov’ at the end.
    Then there is Darren Campbell, the guy who lives at number seven. Darren is a mail thief! He steals all the mail from the other houses of Corella Court and then he takes them back to the post office just so he can visit Chelsea working at the front counter! He’s got a major crush on her; it’s really creepy and quite disgusting! It’s also very annoying for me because I have to redeliver the mail the next day and Dad has to deal with all the complaints, especially from the crazy cat lady at number ten—Mrs Jenson.
    Mrs Jensen complains all the time that someone keeps stealing her mail but she is convinced it’s her son and daughter-in-law. She believes they are trying to prove she’s loony so they can put her in t he nursing home down the road and take over her house. I don’t think she’s a psycho or anything but she does own at least twenty-five cats and yells at me if her mail is sticking out even by a smidgen. Lately Mrs Jenson is taking no chances and she has put two padlocks on her letter box. It’s all very INSANE if you ask me!
    The really old couple at number eight, Mr and Mrs Allen, are the worst complainers. They have a gigantic fence all the way around their property and a sign on their mail box that says, ‘NO ENTRY: BEWARE OF VICIOUS DOGS!’ Underneath the words it has a picture of two German Shepherds and a skull-and-cross-bone symbol. It’s such a stupid sign because Mr and Mrs Allen only own one dog and it’s a yappy Chihuahua that looks more like an oversized rat than a dog.
    The last house is number twelve. This ugly house is right on the corner of Corella Court but it faces onto Valencia Street. The owners are so obsessed with concrete statues; they have lots! Sitting on one side of their brick letterbox is a kangaroo and an emu and on the other side is an Aboriginal hunter aiming a spear at them. Further up the footpath are two white swan planter boxes filled with nothing but yellow sand. Then plonked either side of the driveway is a statue of a naked lady stretching and opposite is a small water feature of a cheeky boy weeing into a pot!
    I just don’t see the point. Why do people want to scatter statues and those ridiculous little garden gnomes all over their front lawns? It’s tacky and ugly if you ask me!
    After I shoved the last letter into the last house on my route I rode as fast as I could back to the post office, hoping I would beat Michael and get the better parking spot. I hurried in a zigzag pattern across the car park with my little trailer squeaking behind me and I flew into the depot at breakneck speed. My wheels let out a loud squeal on the shiny concrete floor as I pushed my foot hard onto the brakes.
    I was so happy I had beaten ‘Idiot-Boy’.
    Humming happily to myself I quickly began unpacking the leftover parcels out from my trailer. Today I had seven; it was a lot but not the most I could carry all in one go. Carefully I placed my clipboard and helmet on top of the wobbly pile and juggled the parcel stack carefully across the warehouse. Suddenly like some crazy maniac, Michael flew into the depot on his motorbike. As soon as he saw me he screeched on his brakes but his bike kept

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