If The Shoe Fits
right, Stepmother, what is it you would like to
    Her stepmother’s eyebrows shot up, clearly
not expecting the question. “Marry him.”
    “That’s it, that’s all you have?” She
couldn’t stop the stunned wonder from entering her voice. What, no
reprimand for stealing Francie’s prospective groom?
    “You’re a silly twit if you don’t.”
    “What about Francine and Priscilla?”
    For the first time, she looked away and
smoothed the back of her French twist. Her lips pursed, and then
she said, “He seems to have overlooked them.”
    Dawning hit Charlie. Alex had met with her
stepmother this morning. It had been about her, not one of her
stepsisters. How shocking for both her stepmother and her. Charlie
had never thought she’d marry. Ever. The family store had always
been her top priority.
    “And you don’t care? I mean, him picking me
over them?” She knew she shouldn’t have made the comparison.
    Her stepmother dropped her hand and
straightened her spine. Staring intently at her, she said, “He
chose a King and for that you should be proud. You want the legacy
to live on, don’t you? Here’s your chance to have all you ever
wanted—”She stopped abruptly.
    Hope filled Charlie’s middle. She blinked
several times, trying to absorb it all. “You mean, if I marry him,
you’ll agree to the changes I want to make at King’s? The changes
we talked about last night after dinner?”
    Her mouth tightened. Finally, she said,
“Let’s just say that I have every intention of making a profit in
the near future.”
    “King’s, you mean.”
    “What else could I mean?” she asked, avoiding
her stare.
    Why didn’t Charlie feel completely
comfortable with her answer? Nothing had ever been this easy with
the woman who controlled the purse strings for the store. Could she
trust her stepmother to keep her word? More importantly, could she
really marry Alexander Royale, Prince Charming?

Chapter 8
    Charlie roamed his large house with Alex
following at a discreet pace. Each room was fashionably decorated
with the most exquisite taste in furnishings. Leather chairs, rich
woods, and creamy white walls greeted her. But she didn’t feel it
was a home, just a building with expensive things showcased. Her
mind raced with possibilities of redecorating. Warmth, light, and
color, she thought; that’s what the place needed.
    She entered his cozy study once again,
feeling welcome here. This room seemed warmer to her. It gave her
more of a glimpse into the man who wanted to marry her.
    As if sensing her thoughts, Alex said, “It’s
yours to do with as you please.” An unmistakable softness entered
his voice. “I want you to be happy and feel at home.”
    She whispered under her breath, “I haven’t
said yes yet.”
    He chuckled. “No, you haven’t. That could be
a bone of contention, now wouldn’t it?”
    Trying to hide her smile, she turned to him
with raised eyebrows. “Or we could skip the marriage part
altogether. I could just decorate for you. Get this place spiffed
up, roam the halls—”
    “And drive me crazy.” He laughed, but his
eyes darkened to a warm chocolate brown.
    She sucked in a sharp breath. Her middle
tightened. He certainly knew how to get to her. All he had to do
was look at her like that and she was a goner. In the back of her
mind, she wondered how many other times he used that look and on
how many other women.
    Moving a step nearer, he closed the small
space between them. He brushed back a lock of her hair, his
fingertips skimming her cheek. Her heart skipped a beat.
    “Sweet Charlie,” he murmured, his warm breath
fanning her lips.
    She shivered. “Alex,” she whispered. “I don’t
even know you.” She spoke her thoughts out loud.
    “That part will change.”
    “Now or later?”
    “What if I don’t like you?”
    A quick smile lit up his face. “What if I
don’t like you?” He tossed the question back at her.
    “That’s impossible, everyone

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