Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online

Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
      Seth’s eyes
widened. “No way, I’m glad! That means I got to be your first date and
hopefully I’ll get to be your first real boyfriend too.” He gave me a smile
that made my heart quiver.
      “We’ll see,” I replied,
unable to stop the blush that crept up my face.
      After a wonderful
dinner, neither one of us wanted the night to end. With slow steps, we trudged
out to the parking lot where he helped me into the jeep once again. He climbed
in on his side and started the jeep but seemed reluctant to pull out of the
parking lot.
    I peeked up at him.
He saw it and grinned as he reached for my hand. “I guess I better take you
home now, or your dad might come looking for me.”
      I giggled. “He might.”
      He switched the
radio on. A country song played loudly through the speakers. The man sang
something about boys of fall, and I instantly liked it. “Is this song about
football?” I asked, listening intently to every word.
      “Yup, it’s
awesome. It came out a while ago but since it’s football season, you’ll
probably hear it all the time.” He took his eyes off the road, staring at my
face for a second. “Your eyes are amazing.”
      I gave him a small
smile and looked away. I wished he hadn’t mentioned them. I guess he didn’t just
like me for me, of course, what guy would? His comment made me wonder if my
looks were really what mattered the most to him.  
      He parked in my
driveway and we slowly got out of the jeep. Both of us attempting to delay our
       He took my hand,
and I leaned against his shoulder as we walked to the door. “I had a great time
with you tonight. Thanks for choosing me to be your first date,” he said,
turning to face me.
        “I’m glad it was
you,” I whispered, feeling my cheeks redden and my heart race as he leaned his
head down towards mine. I knew what he was about to do, and I had no plans to
stop him.
      Seth’s warm lips
met mine. It was a short kiss, over before I even realized it began. He stroked
the side of my face with the back of his hand and whispered, “Goodnight.”
      “Uh, goodnight,” I
stammered out, turned, and stumbled into the house.
      I heard his
chuckle as I closed the door. I leaned against it, listening for his jeep, and
heard it pull out of the driveway. I turned and found my parents sitting together
on the couch. I tried to disguise the huge grin on my face but couldn’t. It was
determined to stay there, now that Seth was in my life.
      I sat on the couch
with my parents and answered their questions about my first date. I had
fun...he was nice...no, he didn’t kiss me. I knew that last one was a lie, but
I didn’t think it mattered much. They asked if we were going to be dating now,
and I replied I wasn’t sure. Seth said he had a good time but didn’t ask me out
again, so I didn’t know where this was headed- if anywhere.
      I said goodnight
and rushed upstairs to get ready for bed. I snuggled under the covers and began
to giggle. My night had been amazing, and I was bombarded with all these new
feelings, but part of me was nervous about what school would be like on Monday. Would he ignore me, or would we be a couple now? I tossed and turned but
finally managed to drift off to sleep, dreaming of one of the boys of fall.

Chapter Five
    Anxiously, I plodded
into school on post-date Monday, not ready to face the possible rejection from
Seth. I had filled Hallie in about my date when she visited after church on
Sunday. She was tickled for me, going on and on about me finally having a
boyfriend. I quickly shut that conversation down, and informed her I wasn’t
sure what we were to each other. He hadn’t called me after our date, and I had
a sinking feeling it was going to be our only one.
    When I made it to my
locker though, Seth was already there, leaned against a locker chatting with
Hallie. He smiled when he spotted me and stood up straight. Hallie made a ridiculous
kissy face

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