Ill Take Forever

Ill Take Forever by Barbara McMahon Read Free Book Online

Book: Ill Take Forever by Barbara McMahon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara McMahon
    'Yes, sir. I've no desire to be a heroine. But I am glad to be of some help. The room will be ready. What's his name?'
    There was another pause, then, 'Good grief, I don't know what we want to call him! I'll check back with you on that. We’ll we need to tally with the background we're providing. Talk to you soon.'
    As soon as Jenny hung up the receiver, she thought of a couple of other questions she should have asked. Should she call him back? No, it was only a week or so until the agent arrived; she could flesh out the story then. A name would be good, however. She hoped no one asked her specifically.
    Going into town, she casually mentioned the arrival of the invalid to each of the owners of the businesses she worked for. Going to the drug store, she also dropped a word in Susie Lewis's ear. Susie, while one of Jenny's long-time friends, delighted in spreading all the scoop as she called it. The whole town would know in a couple of days.
    Twice more in the next few days she ventured into town, and brought the subject up. When she had lunch with April, her friend asked specific questions that she didn't know the answer to. She was vague, suddenly realizing she could put a man’s life in jeopardy if she made a mistake.
    'You know Johnny. He was never big on family. I've heard him mention some of the cousins, but I've never met any that didn't come here to visit. We always meant to go one day.' Her sad look immediately caused a change in conversation and further answers were not required. Jenny felt badly about deceiving her friends, but the warning from Brownley dominated.
    Returning home on Tuesday, Jenny stopped by the garage in total surprise when she saw who was on the porch, leaning against the front door. Large as life with Shasta lying complacently by his side, sat Kyle Martin!
    'What in the world are you doing here?' She climbed out of her car and walked quickly up the path to the porch steps, glancing around to see if there was anyone else in the area. Only the soft chirping of birds could be heard.
    'I checked the back door but, since the glass has been repaired, I didn't want to push my luck by breaking it again. I've been waiting for you.' He didn't get up and when Jenny got over her initial surprise she looked him over.
    His left arm was in a sling. He still leaned against the door, looking tired and drawn. Her eyes were drawn to the duffel bag and laptop case nearby.
    'Kyle,' she said warily, 'what are you doing here?'
    'Thought I'd come to pay you a visit. Got my present, I see.' He ran his hand along Shasta’s back. The German Shepherd wagged his tail.
    She glared at the dog. ‘Some guard dog you are,’ she scolded. 'Don't you know a crook when you see one?'
    Kyle chuckled, ruffling the fur on the dog's neck. 'He's a nice dog, I think. Do you like him?'
    'Kyle, you've got to go. You can't stay here. I'm expecting someone later this week. You can't stay.'
    'What a girl you are for always expecting someone! Your husband last winter, a visitor later this week.'
    'I mean it, you can't stay. You'll be lucky if I don't call the police.'
    'You didn't last time.'
    'How do you know?'
    'I know.'
    'Are you on the run?' she asked suspiciously, again glancing at the luggage.
    'I need a place to stay for a while, and I thought you could put me up.'
    Her heart lurched against her ribs at the thought. Why was he so attractive? His dark hair was wavy, an unruly lock falling across his forehead, his dark eyes fathomless and remote. She realized she hadn't forgotten one detail about him. It wasn't fair that rogues and crooks should be handsome. They should be as ugly as their deeds.
    Frustrated that he wouldn't take no for an answer, she shook her head firmly. 'No, you can't stay!'
    Slowly he struggled to his feet, pale and unsteady. Jenny bit her lip, longing to reach out to help him. She remembered him as strong, large, and very virile. What had happened to him? Why was his arm in a sling?
    'Were you in a gun

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