In the Alpha's Bed (Stealing the Alpha Book 3)

In the Alpha's Bed (Stealing the Alpha Book 3) by Kate Rudolph Read Free Book Online

Book: In the Alpha's Bed (Stealing the Alpha Book 3) by Kate Rudolph Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Rudolph
wouldn't do, any favor he wouldn't call in, if it meant saving her.
    Bob laughed, the sound hollow and short. "You're all kids to me."
    Luke took a step forward. He wouldn't be challenged in his own territory, not so blatantly.
    Krista sensed the danger and spoke up once more. "Can you help me trace the hex?"
    Bob broke eye contact with Luke to smile down at Krista. "Of course." The two of them went off without a farewell to Mel or Luke.
    "I'll meet you at dusk," Mel said. She left before Luke could say anything to stop her. Not that he knew what to say to keep her from leaving. Mel was complicated, and Luke had a lot of learning to do before she would agree to stand by his side.

Chapter Seven
    For the first time in years, Mel started to think about what she would do when Ava was gone. Her entire life had revolved around avoiding or destroying that woman. At least as much of her life as she could remember. Her memories pre-Ava were more flashes and dreams than substantial thoughts.
    She supposed that theft would remain her job. She was good at it - very good - and the sense of accomplishment that she felt when she defeated someone's carefully placed safeguards and took her bounty was better than anything she'd ever experienced.
    But when this was all over, she wouldn't need to keep tabs on Ava. There would be no looking over her shoulder when she visited the east coast. She would no longer be that weird feral girl who grew up among the witches.
    She would be free.
    If she survived.
    Walking along the tree line not far from the house was different than Mel's run earlier. Now she was able to amble and gather her thoughts, though she didn't enjoy the company. It took her a few moments to realize that someone was near her, and another minute after that to determine that he was following her. And it was obvious that this kid wasn't Luke.
    Neither Krista nor Bob were in a mood to chase her. She didn't blame them. She couldn't wait for this entire thing to be over either. She supposed that they would all go their separate ways when this was through. After all, they were still sore from Mel's betrayal and it wasn't like she didn't deserve it.
    She would miss them.
    At the moment she didn't have time to wallow. She grabbed a low hanging tree branch and hoisted herself up, effectively disappearing from the ground. The kid came running after her, an idiotic choice. She really needed to talk to Luke about how he trained the kids in his pack. If he didn't start knocking some sense into them, they were going to run him into the ground.
    When the blond boy was right underfoot, Mel dove for the ground, tackling him in one swift motion and gripping his throat with her hands. They both knew that she could shift at any moment and take him out for good.
    Mel recognized him. He was the same boy who Cassie had knocked out on the night of Mel's escape. The night that everything had gone to hell.
    "Did Luke send you?" she asked. "I don't need a guard."
    Mick sputtered, his cheeks a splotchy pink and his eyes wet with moisture he was valiantly trying to keep from turning into tears. "No!" he insisted.
    "Then why were you following me?" Of all of the things that Mel hated in the world, being spied on was near the top.
    "I wasn't." He tried to shake his head, but she held his neck too tightly for him to do more than weakly jerk.
    Mel believed that Luke hadn't sent him. She'd known it hadn't been that simple the second she'd asked the question. But she didn't believe for a moment that this kid wasn't spying on something .
    She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. Lesser men had been known to fold in under five seconds when subjected to this look. To Mick's credit, he lasted seven before he crumpled into himself, his shoulders slumping and eyes flicking down. "I saw all of the inner circle come in. I just wanted to know what they were doing."
    And it wasn't Mel's place to enlighten the kid. Even if it had been, she wouldn't. They didn't

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