then I can’t catch her with a net. She’s here, she’s there, calling me drunk, surrounded by those female demons she calls friends. Or worse, she doesn’t call at all.”
    Lado laughed softly and helped himself to another drink. “Ah. I see. You’re unsure of her.”
    There was a pause. “Yes, I am.”
    “That’s new.”
    “You love her?” Nori’s eyes met his. Lado nodded and smiled. “Come on. You can say it. It’s just me here,” he teased. “I promise not to tell.”
    “I, I guess I do.”
    “New for you?”
    Nori nodded, inhaling a shaky breath, one hand over his heart.
    “Well, you’re not getting any younger, old boy. Perhaps you should marry her.” Nori sputtered and Lado held out a hand. “She’s gorgeous, talented, if she’s got any brains I bet she cares for you more than you think, and you love her. The only way you’re going to feel any measure of security is to lock that shit down. Marry her. And I will be best man. I must start scouting locations for your bachelor party,” Lado muttered, as though it was all settled.
    But Nori knew it was far from that; he was more than unsure of Margot. He had no fucking idea about her. The more he learned, the worse his confusion became, and learning anything was an effort. He hadn’t compared her to the Mona Lisa just because she was beautiful. He had no idea what she was thinking. Ever, because she just didn’t talk much. He had to lead every conversation. What kind of woman doesn’t like to talk?
    Did she love him? Sometimes he thought she might. But then he thought he was mad. It had been less than two weeks. Why was he even thinking about marriage? Would she marry him? Or would she balk at tying herself to him so permanently?
    She was so independent. And as familiar as she felt, as comfortable as he was in her company, in her arms, dare he risk it? Was he prepared to risk losing her in an effort to win her heart and mind and every fucking thing else forever? Did he even want that? The short answer? No. Not yet.
    “Tell her you love her,” Lado advised, tossing off another shot. “And answer my bloody emails. Drunk as I am, before noon,” he added, “on the Lord’s day,” he continued. “I do have a business to run. If you need me, call.” And with a final clap for his old friend’s broad back, he was gone as quickly as he’d arrived.
    Nori stared at the door for a moment then slowly made his way to his chair. Sinking down behind his desk he put his chin on his hand and brooded for all of three minutes. Then he got his keys and hit the road. These days, whenever urgency rode him this hard he only had one destination.
    She opened the door wearing a robe.
    “I thought we weren’t meeting until later. Tommy’n Lani on they way over.”
    He gave her a look like nice try. “Tommy, will you come out already?” Nori called. “I can smell your perfume and your joint.”
    “Fuck,” he heard her whisper before appeared looking slightly disheveled, which was unusual. But then again, almost everyone who came near Margot ended up napping or rolling around in her bed. It was infuriating.
    “Don’t fuckin’ tell Dom I was here, and definitely don’t tell him I was smoking.”
    Nori raised his brows at her.
    “I mean it,” she told him. “Promise.”
    “No,” he told her. “Now that I know you want to keep it a secret, I’m definitely calling him. You broads need to be stopped.”
    “Oh, fuck you, then. I gotta go clean up.”
    “Then you don’t need this,” Margot said, plucking the joint from her fingers as she walked by.
    “Bitch,” Tommy said lightly, but didn’t stop.
    Margot turned to him, watchful as she scratched her butt and took a hit. “What’s your problem?”
    He plucked the joint from her fingers and took a hit. “Problem?” He hadn’t smoked in years, but it was like riding a bike.
    “Yeah. You came over with a stank, crabby ass attitude. And you just pissed off my publicist. You worried

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