something he soon abandoned when he failed to retrieve it after two attempts. Turning to answer it, he saw the picture of Laura with the kids on his desk. He suddenly remembered; he hadn't called her to say he was running late.
“Peter!?” Laura said, making a statement as opposed to posing a question.
“I'm sorry gorgeous, you know........I lost track of time” he replied, his cheeks becoming flushed with the knowledge that she wasn't happy with him.
Somehow despite his large stature and toughness, Laura had always managed to reduce Peter to a mere school boy whenever she gave him a look and said his name with an authoritative tone. It was this effect and power over him that was part of his attraction to her, he knew full well she had him wrapped around her little finger but there was no place he would have rather been. Laura was his dream girl, seven years younger than him with a stunningly beautiful face, lovely deep brunette hair and a toned but curvy figure. She was a firecracker behind closed doors but exuded an elegant and classy persona to the world that instantly drew people to her. A successful business woman, Laura had quit her high flying job in London to make sure that at least one parent was at home, making inference towards him when she suggested it. If there was one thing that was plainly obvious in their relationship, it was that she was unequivocally the boss; although in a nice way.
Laura had fallen in love very quickly after they had met but did have one reservation about him, and that was that if they ever married, her surname would rhyme with her first name, something she said would sound ridiculous. However in the name of love, she accepted it.
“Peter, I suggest you get your sexy, tanned arse home right now before I throw the lovely curry I made you in the bin!” She replied sternly to his usual feeble explanation for his lateness.
“Yesssss sir! Ha ha, yeah see you soon, Bye” Anaura replied with a smile on his face. He hadn't eaten since the afternoon and his wife's amazing cooking would help soothe the hunger pangs he had been having for the past few hours; he had to get home. After hanging up, he wasted no time in tidying his desk and then switching his computer off. Just as he was about to stand up to put his suit jacket on, a figure appeared in his doorway.
“Wife trouble Peter? Oh and I see the mystery of your disappearing ties continues!?” Peter looked up feeling a sense of repulsion welling up inside him. He knew the owner of the voice before he even looked up.
There arrogantly leaning up against the door frame stood Chief Superintendent Robert Drayson, the former head of Serious and Organised Crime Unit, aka SOCU, before he had stepped aside in preparation of a promotion to Assistant Chief. Drayson was a man in his early fifties, six foot' two tall with short sandy hair who liked to wear expensive Ozwold Boateng tailored suits most of the time, something which Anaura envied with his love of stylish suits and wondered how he afforded them. But that wasn't what made him dislike the chief superintendent.
Drayson was one of the career ladder climbing snakes that Anaura despised, but the worst type, the type that still thought he as one of the boys, one of the team despite stepping on those below him to get ahead. In Anaura's eyes he was anything but one of the team. He didn't trust Drayson and although he couldn't put his finger on it, there was something wrong about him. Anaura was rarely wrong when it came to people, it wasn't quite a sixth sense, he just seemed to be able to sense what a person was about moments after meeting them and whether they were good or bad, or more importantly liars. However although he didn't trust Drayson, he wasn't as easy to read. The thing that pissed him off most with Drayson though, was his jack the lad style character and the way that he would front up to him whenever the two were standing in front of each other, in an attempt to display how
Reshonda Tate Billingsley