invasion. He clutched her hips and pulled her back against his straining erection, eliciting a groan from him and a whimper from her.
“Oh God, Sarah. You have the most tempting little pussy, so pretty and soft.”
Her pink vulva and pearly clit were completely visible in the early morning light and he wanted to take the time to fill himself with the beauty of her, but his lower body had other ideas. His cock pushed into her tight entrance, and in one silky glide, he was imbedded completely inside Sarah’s heat. When she reached between her legs and grasped his balls, massaging and squeezing, he lost it. He started thrusting into her, impaling her in a mad rush for that one elusive thing that only Sarah gave him. It was as if his body already recognized the scent and sight of her and his greedy cock wanted her. Only her. Only Sarah gave him this blind, crazed feeling and he wouldn’t give that up, not for anything in the world.
Suddenly, her supple hips pushed backwards against him and she shouted,
“Please, Greg, harder! I need you so badly!”
Greg’s smile was devilish as he vowed, “Anything my lady wants, my lady gets.”
It was true, he was unable do deny her a single thing. Plunging over and over until his passion rocketed out of control, Greg lowered his body over hers, caging her in, surrounding her with his powerful strength. He bit down on her shoulder and sucked at her neck, causing blood to rush to the surface. She’d have his mark on her now. The thought gave him a predatory feeling deep in his core.
Reaching a rough, calloused hand beneath her, Greg rubbed over her distended clit and claimed, “Mmm, this is my hot little pussy now, Sarah.” He meant it, he’d not be letting her go. It would kill him to do so and he wasn’t much into suicide.
She arched and clenched around him then, her sex cupping his dick like a hot little fist and they both flew apart.
* * * *
They’d spent the morning luxuriating in each other’s bodies. First in the shower, where he’d washed every single inch of her with tender loving care. That had been heavenly. Then he’d dressed her in one of his t-shirts. Sarah had wanted something more to wear, but Greg had gruffly explained that she was lucky he gave her the t-shirt. Feeling gloriously female and content, she’d flounced into the kitchen to make him a huge breakfast of waffles and sausages. She’d fed him perched atop his lap. After she’d eaten, he’d lifted her to the counter and had taken her again. And so, the day went.
Now, the time had come for her to leave and she was uncertain and nervous.
He’d pleaded with her to stay; he’d explained that it was only Saturday and neither of them worked Sundays. Still, he hadn’t once said anything about wanting to see her again after their weekend was up.
She supposed it was to be expected, considering she’d given him exactly what he’d wanted on their first date—sex and lots of it. Why should he bother for a second date?
Sarah dressed in her badly wrinkled skirt and blouse, and tucked her bra in her purse. For the life of her, she couldn’t locate her panties. He’d told her not to bother with them, she only lived a few steps away and if he found them he’d bring them to her.
Seeing his point, Sarah left. He promised to call her the next day, and then kissed her. It was a light peck, and compared to all the other hot, scorching kisses he’d bestowed on her so far, the good-bye kiss seemed so final and cold. She wasn’t holding out any hope of him calling, despite his promises to the contrary, but then it wasn’t as if he’d gone into anything with the expectations of more, not the way she had.
As Sarah let herself into her condominium, she turned around and saw Greg still standing in his doorway, watching her. He’d only bothered to pull on a pair of old, stained work jeans. The fly was undone and he looked like chocolate—
good enough to eat even though you knew damn well
Jean-Marie Blas de Robles