
Irreplaceable by Angela Graham Read Free Book Online

Book: Irreplaceable by Angela Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Graham
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
    “I guess.” No way was I ready for him to see me in need
of help. “You can let go now. You heard the woman: I need to do it on my own.”
    The warmth of his grip released my waist and I was
standing freely, ready to get the walk over with.
    To my complete satisfaction, I made it to the elevator
without missing a beat—no stumbles or weaknesses—and with Logan behind me out
of sight, I was able to truly enjoy the accomplishment. The doctors were right:
my leg was healing. I finally believed them.
    I turned to walk back, grinning to myself.
    “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t be going through this.”
Logan looked at me, and it was then I noticed the forlorn expression from the
previous day was back.
    “Don’t!” I snapped. “I just walked down a hall that I
struggled with all week and still have the strength to walk back. You don’t get
to ruin that for me. You don’t get to make me feel bad about the situation.” I
ambled on past him.
    Damn it. I was in such a better place, and he
squashed it. The walk back was eerily silent as I let the irritation pick at
    When I landed back in bed, that nap sounded better than
ever. I rolled to my side and closed my eyes.
    “Goodbye, Logan.”
    I waited for him to reply—to say a thoughtful goodbye, or
that he wasn’t leaving. Instead, I heard him sit, and then he began to read
    My eyes opened wide. He was reading to me—and not just
any book, but the first classic novel I read as a young teen. Another tidbit my
mother must’ve told him.
    With a nearly silent sigh, I allowed my eyes to drift
closed as Elizabeth Bennet prepared with her sisters for the dance that would
lead her to making the acquaintance of Mr. Darcy.
    The hum of Logan’s sweet voice lulled me into my slumber,
where he no longer awaited me in the alley. Rather, I found myself at home,
standing in my backyard, watching Oliver chase Scout. But we weren’t alone—Logan
was there as well. Far off in the distance, the trees surrounding him stood
miles away, yet his searing gaze was concentrated on me, searching my soul for
answers I couldn’t give.

Chapter Four
    “Rise and shine, sleepy head!”
    My eyes fluttered open to meet the marvelous grin
covering Hilary’s cheerful face.
    “Come on, the doctor’s signing the papers for your
release as we speak. Let’s get you the hell out of this place.”
    I sat up, wiping the sleep from my eyes. Home, finally. A
slow smile tugging on my lips lifted my spirits as her words settled over me.
    “That’s my girl. Now go get dressed.” Hilary held out a
pile of clothes and watched as I slipped my feet off the side of the bed but
didn’t make a move to stand.
    “Can you just shut the curtain? I’ll change here.” I
motioned my hand to the yellow drape behind her.
    Hilary turned and rustled it closed without a word. After
she helped me shuffle into a white shirt and pink sweats, I was feeling more
eager than ever to get out of there.

    “Remember to continue taking the
medication as needed for pain, and make sure you schedule an appointment next
week to check your stitches. We want to make sure that leg keeps healing
    The doctor whom I’d seen since childhood stood across the
room and rambled on and on as I sat at the edge of the bed, zoning out. Anxiety
set my nerves on the fritz, my hands smoothing small circles over the mattress
I’d be leaving for good as soon as he was done talking.
    Hilary squatted in front of me and helped me slide on my
comfy suede boots, though my attention was not on her or the doctor, but Logan.
He’d come in sometime during my dressing, and was standing near the door,
jotting down endless notes on a small black leather pad as the doctor listed
off instructions.
    He wasn’t seriously going to visit me at home as much as
he did here. Was he?
    Hilary smacked the bottom of my shoe when it was on and
stood, a smile lighting her face when she turned to Logan, watching him asking

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