It Sometimes Snows In May: A B.E.A.N. Police Novella

It Sometimes Snows In May: A B.E.A.N. Police Novella by Tope Oluwole Read Free Book Online

Book: It Sometimes Snows In May: A B.E.A.N. Police Novella by Tope Oluwole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tope Oluwole
it up and peeks inside. “I hope he’s worth it.” James smiles.
    Ryles squeezes James shoulder as he leaves. Then closes the door behind him. “Thanks dad.”
    Ryles pulls down the street in a hover-car, from a tall glass and metal, cone-shaped building. She glances at her PDA as the vehicle auto-parks. The time on the marquee display belonging to the bank across the street, reads 12:07 PM. Ryles heads towards the gleaming tower with, ISPARI STATE GUARD HEADQUARTERS, in neon, scrolling across the main entrance.
    As she climbs the front stairs, miscellaneous uniformed and non-uniformed personnel and citizens march out and stroll in by her. Some pass her a casual glance as she fans her chest in the noonday heat.
    Once Ryles passes the sliding door she’s scanned by an electronic eye above the main sliding doors, and is then greeted by a virtual female desk guardie .
    “Welcome to Ispari State Guard Headquarters, Misses Brown. How may I be of service today?” The virtual guardie asks.
    “I’m here to see...Morefishco, about my missing brother,” Ryles says. She looks at her PDA to double-check the name.
    “One moment please.” The virtual guardie blinks her eyes in time with the data processing she’s performing. After few moments, a copy of the virtual guardie appears beside Ryles. “Follow me, please.”
    Ryles tries not to look alarmed and follows the virtual guardie copy to the smart lift. They are carried silently up several floors. When the smart lift doors slide open, a lean but muscular, caucasian man in his late fifties in uniform, awaits them.
    “Guard Morefishco. This way Misses Maria Brown,” the virtual guardie says.
    “Thanks Vidge.” Morefishco watches the virtual guardie dematerialize. “Afternoon, Misses Brown. Thank you for coming. This way please.” Morefishco begin down the hall, but waits for Ryles to catch up before getting too far ahead.
    “When can I see my brother?”
    Morefishco casts Ryles a looks. “We just have to take care of some minor bureaucratic details.”
    “Like what?”
    “I’m sure this is a lot to take in, but we have to go through a quick ID verification process. Just a formality. I can’t tell you how many times some missing guy turns up, and half the women in Ispari show up claiming to be a wife, girlfriend, or grandmother.” They both walk past an office with ISG. M. Morefishco glowing within the glass of the door.
    “Yeah..It is a lot,” Ryles says.
    Morefishco leads Ryles into a room with camoglass. Ryles can feel her neck turn warm. “Why are we here? Where is my brother?” Ryles asks.
    “Please sit down Misses Brown.” Morefishco gestures towards the chair opposite him and then waits until Ryles sits down, before doing the same. “For security, I need to verify some information. The man we have in custody doesn’t know his own name.” Morefishco pauses and stares at Ryles, who in turn leans forward in her chair.
    “What? He doesn’t know who I am?” Ryles points a finger towards her chest. "When he sees my face..."
    “Can I see some identification, Misses Brown. A quick scan should speed this up for both of us,” Morefishco says.
    Ryles pulls her Maria Brown license out of her bag, and places it on the table in front of Morefishco, showing off her manicure. A neon blue square appears within the table and shrinks, until is perfectly fits the perimeter of the license. Morefishco slides the net-paper, card stock off the table, and studies it for several moment occasionally glancing back at her.
    Suddenly, a display rises out of the table, visible only to Morefishco. It begins scrolling information of Mary Brown of Ispari. The record includes a residence address, vehicle registration, and some traffic violations. Towards the end, the record shows social networking records. “What’s your brother’s name?”
    “Roberto.” Ryles stares at Morefishco

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