Italian Billionaire's Black Love (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Italian Billionaire's Black Love (BWWM Interracial Romance) by Mya Black, Nicki J. Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Italian Billionaire's Black Love (BWWM Interracial Romance) by Mya Black, Nicki J. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mya Black, Nicki J.
weak, pleading voice.
    “Sir, you can go in now.”
    He nodded at the pretty nurse and stood, stretched his limbs from the hours spent sitting. Then, he slipped into the room, mostly unnoticed.
    Sleep did not come easy to Eve over the past week and she knew at least part of the reason. She had been avoiding Alessandro and his constant calls. They both knew where this was heading, so there was no reason to drag it out. He was still in Seattle and she was still sick, so talking now would only prolong the agony.
    Her dreams were littered with thoughts, images, and scents of Alessandro. He was everywhere she turned, from her salons to her dry cleaners and even her gynecologist. Escaping him was impossible, even in slumber. But last night’s dream had tortured her the most.
    Alessandro walked into the bedroom, fire burning in his eyes, but he said nothing. He strode to the bed where she lay naked under the sheet, eagerly anticipating his touch. When he leaned over, he kissed her lips so softly tears sprang from her eyes. His touch was feather light everywhere – on her breasts, her stomach, and the backs of her knees. He tortured her with faint kisses that increased her passion and her need for him.
    She reached out to him and took a step back with a smile. “This is for you,” he told her.
    “But touching you is for you and for me,” she pleaded as his hands roamed down her thighs and back up, whispering over the soft hairs of her mound. ”Alessandro,” she called to him softly.
    “Yes, my love,” he answered, and his tongue left a cool wet trail up the inside of her thigh and slipped inside her slick heat. Even his tongue was gentle as it coaxed her towards her a climax so long and powerful, she’d passed out for a moment. When she came to, those big brown eyes shone down on her with love and affection.
    “You’re here.”
    “You sound surprised.”
    “I thought you were just a dream.”
    “No, sweetheart, you’re the dream. My dream.” He plunged deep inside her on the sweetest words she’d ever heard. They soothed her soul the way his body soothed hers. The long slow strokes he favored were used over and over again, until they were both sweating and panting and crying out. Her hand rested over his hammering heart and she’d never felt closer as they floated up into the heavens together. It was only them and their love keeping them bound in the atmosphere. And, it was his strength that guided them slowly back to earth.
    She woke to sweat slicked sheets, tears in her eyes, and a blaring alarm clock.
    Sometimes, life was just so unfair. So what else is new , the snarky voice that recently took up residence in her cynical heart asked.
    Two weeks after he left for Seattle, Alessandro returned to Los Angeles. His business there was still unsettled, but he felt better about it, and now, he couldn’t wait to see Eve. He stopped home and showered after the short flight, picking up an overnight bag, flowers, and wine for their sweet reunion.
    He was so giddy about seeing her again, he’d driven his Tesla and gave Cal the night off. He wouldn’t be beholden to anyone’s clock but his own. His plan was to spend the next two days in bed and then get to the bottom of whatever was bothering her. He was surprising his woman with a night of good greasy Chinese takeout, vintage wine, and as much sex as her magnificent little body could handle.
    Skipping up the stairs, he knocked gently and waited. She didn’t answer, so he used his key and entered the unusually dark house. “Eve,” he called out, taking note of the magazines cluttered on the counter and the layer of dust that covered everything. “Eve, where are you?” Then he heard it, a quiet sobbing coming from the back of the house. Sitting down his bags he jogged to the bathroom and found Eve with red rimmed eyes and sobbing, hugging the toilet.
    “Alessandro,” she cried. “Hospital,” she forced out before passing out on the floor.
    The next few

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