Jake's Justice, Book Three of Wizards

Jake's Justice, Book Three of Wizards by John Booth Read Free Book Online

Book: Jake's Justice, Book Three of Wizards by John Booth Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Booth
to win, Sir Grendon, and for that I apologize. Tell your masters that I may not look so kindly on any others they send against me.”  
    “A brave speech, young wizard. But even a sword conjured by magic cannot stand against my blade.” He held his sword vertically and saluted me with it. Then he struck.
    I parried with my sword, stepping back as I did. His sword went through mine as though it wasn’t there, which in most ways it wasn’t. The unexpected impetus of his swing sent him spinning off balance. I stepped in close and swung my sword through his body diagonally one way and then the other. Nothing happened and I stepped back.
    “A sword that isn’t there? Has madness overtaken you?”
    “Look,” I replied
    A black stain had formed in the part of his blade where my blade had passed through it. As he stared at it in disbelief, the front half of the blade parted at the stain and then both ends of the sword turned to dust eaten from the point where they split.
    “Impossible,” he whispered as a black X formed across his chest. I knew there would be an identical one on his back. His chain mail fell from him and crumbled to dust as it touched the ground.
    The suppression field was gone and I snapped my fingers. Sir Grendon fell to the ground in his pink underwear and lay still.
      “Have you killed him?” Betty asked as she stepped cautiously towards us. “Should I call the police?”
    That was all I needed. I shook my head to both questions and reached down to touch the man.
    I imagined Sir Grendon as a stone I could throw across an imaginary hopscotch court. His image bounced on its squares before vanishing on the last bounce. I sent Sir Grendon after his imaginary doppelganger. He would wake within seconds when he was back on the world he came from.
    Betty was shaking with reaction and I put my hand on her shoulder. She grabbed my arm tightly in hers. “Take me now, on the grass and I won’t say a word about what happened.”
    I pulled away gently. “Betty, I’ve got a confession. My subconscious has been spilling out a magical command for girls to desire me. I don’t know why, since I just got married to two women.”
    She gave me a quizzical look. “ Two women, I’m surprised you can walk.”
    “Well they haven’t exactly been putting out.” God knows what led me to tell her that.
    “I can stop it now. You’ll feel the difference.” I closed the leaks. It was easy now that I knew what they were doing.
    “Is that treasure real?” She nodded at the hole, where the hoard glinted.
    “Absolutely. I need some money to buy a house and I located it by magic. It must have been there for hundreds of years.”
    She stepped closer and put her arms on my shoulders. I was uncomfortably aware how luscious she looked. “So Mr. Wizard, have you removed that magic love charm you were talking about?”
    I nodded. She moved her full lips till they were practically touching mine. She smelled wonderfully hot. “Have you ever considered that when you are having sex with one of your wives you’re cheating on the other?”
    I nodded again. That was exactly why I’d run when Esmeralda had knocked at Jenny’s door.
    “So it really wouldn’t be much different if you cheated on both of them and had sex with me, now would it, Mr. Wizard?”
    One of her hands had left my neck and was working on my zip. Her lips touched mine and I felt an electric tingle run through me. The adrenaline from the fight was still coursing through my veins and my mind ceased to operate at a rational level.
    When we showed Mr. Hardy the treasure, he grunted. His eyes took in the grass stains on our jeans at the knees.
    “Messy business, finding treasure. I’ll look up who we have to call.”
    “Messy, but very satisfying,” Betty said grinning at me. “I don’t think I’ve felt so satisfied in a long while.”
    “Well, I’d call it more a stroke of luck. It should get our overdraft down.”
    “When do you think we will

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