Jenn Vakey - Rilynne Evans 07 - Revenge with Murder

Jenn Vakey - Rilynne Evans 07 - Revenge with Murder by Jenn Vakey Read Free Book Online

Book: Jenn Vakey - Rilynne Evans 07 - Revenge with Murder by Jenn Vakey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Vakey
Tags: Mystery: Thriller - Detective - Profiler
waste of time,” he said.  “She was found underwater.  What’s the need to test the water in her lungs?  It’s obvious where it came from.”
    She shifted her gaze to the doctor, hoping he would explain it to him so she wouldn’t have to.  Instead, he seemed to agree.  She let out a quick breath, remembering again how much she hated lying to explain what she’s seen.  Before she could start, though, Ben jumped in.
    “Unless her wounds were inflicted after the refrigerator was tossed into the ocean, she would have to have already been drowned before she was tied to it.”
    “It’s highly unlikely that she would have been drowned in the ocean, then moved somewhere secluded for the other injuries to happen, then taken back,” she added.
    After chewing over their words for a moment, Perez turned to them looking grudgingly impressed.  He glanced quickly to the body before pulling his gaze away and backing again into the corner.  He looked like he was going to be sick.
    Dr. Forrest looked impressed himself, though it wasn’t as gratifying of a reaction without the disdain that had accompanied Perez’s.
    “Will you be wanting to examine the sample yourself?” he asked Ben as he began collecting it.  “Or should I have it sent out?”
    “I can take care of it,” Ben replied.  “Along with anything else you find.  I’ll have all of the equipment I need shipped in.  Do you have somewhere secure to keep the samples until I’m ready for them?”
    Dr. Forrest nodded excitedly.  He seemed to be fascinated both by their presence as well as the case he found himself in the middle of.  “I have a special cabinet I use to house all of the samples I collect from my patients that need to be sent to the lab.  It’s always locked and I’m the only one with access.”
    “Good,” Rilynne responded.  “We will let you get back to the rest of your examination.”  She could feel Ben’s curious eyes on her, but she didn’t turn to face him.  “If you need anything from us, Sergeant Perez knows where to find us.  We’ll be back tomorrow after the equipment arrives to collect everything.”
    “You’re insane if you think the junk you need will be here by tomorrow,” Sergeant Perez said harshly.  “You’ll be lucky if it’s here before your trip is over.  It would probably be more logical just to send everything off now instead of having to hold on to it in hopes that the equipment actually arrives before you leave, then sending it off then.  I don’t want to spend any more time on this than I absolutely have to.”
    “You don’t know my husband very well,” Rilynne said, without elaborating further.  She nodded kindly to the doctor before turning and pushing the door open behind them.  Rilynne and Ben walked out, leaving the sergeant speechless where he stood.  As soon as the door closed behind them, she turned to Ben.  “I wasn’t lying, was I?  You will actually be able to get the stuff you need out here before we go home, won’t you?”
    Ben slid his arm around her shoulder as they stepped off the small porch and started down the street.  The sun was starting to set in front of them, leaving the sky a vibrant shade of pink.  “Don’t worry,” he replied.  There was a note of pride in his voice that made her smile.  “I sent a message to a friend of mine in Hawaii as soon as the kid came and got us.  He’s sending what he can, and put in an emergency rush for anything he didn’t have.  I’m expecting it all in the morning.”
    “Do I even want to know how you managed to pull that off?” she asked.
    Ben jokingly twisted his face for a moment before he laughed and shrugged.  “Let’s just say I called in multiple favors, and I’ll have to speak in at least two upcoming events.  I also told him I would try to set him up with your sister.”
    Rilynne let out a shocked laugh as she elbowed Ben in the ribs.  “First of all, how does your friend even know about my

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