Just a Little Surprise

Just a Little Surprise by Tracie Puckett Read Free Book Online

Book: Just a Little Surprise by Tracie Puckett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Puckett
Tags: Romance, Young Adult
day—there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make it happen. I know what it means to have that hole in your heart, that hole that only your parents can fill. I can’t relate to your situation as it is, but I can relate in my own twisted way. And I think you’re brave, Rebecca. It takes a special kind of person to chase ghosts.”
    “I never meant to come between you and Luke,” she said , reaching forward. Her gentle hand landed softly on my shoulder. “That was never my intention, Julie. When Grace gave me a job at the shop, and Lonnie introduced Luke as his son… it was the first I’d ever heard of having a brother. And I went to Luke first thing. I thought he might be my ticket to getting closer to Lonnie.”
    “Guess you learned otherwise?”
    “I didn’t know just how damaged his relationship was with our father… and we’ve bonded over that. And when I introduced him to Molly, I knew I’d made the right decision. Luke welcomed her with open arms; she took to him so fast. He showed her the love and compassion that she deserves.”
    “Yeah,” I said, not doubting her for a second. Luke had it in him to be the most kind, caring, compassionate person in the world… he just had a very selective group of people he showed that side to. And lately—and for reasons unknown to me—I was no longer in that group.
    “ I’m sorry, Julie. I know he’s been spending too much time with me and Molly… and he’s pushed you away. I’ve begged him to tell you the truth, but he’s so stubborn—”
    “Don’t apologize,” I said. “I shouldn’t… .” I took a deep breath and nodded, hoping she’d understand that I didn’t expect her to do her brother’s dirty work. “I shouldn’t have heard all of this from you, Rebecca. I’m glad you told me; I’m happy I finally know the truth, I really am. But the truth should’ve come from him. And he didn’t trust me enough to tell me. So, I think that says more about our relationship than anything else. Luke and I were right in so many ways, but we were wrong in so many more.”
    “He loves you .”
    “I know,” I said. “But his lies, his dishonesty… it’s more stress than I have the patience to deal with. Truthfully, I’ve been a little short-circuited lately. So much has changed in such a small amount of time. This last year has undoubtedly opened my eyes to the brevity of life… and love. I just can’t deal with the games anymore; I’m not the kind of girl to sit around, and Luke’s not the kind of guy to chase. He thinks I’m toxic.”
    “I’m sure he didn’t mean —”
    “It’s okay, really—”
    “He’s sorry —”
    “You don’t have to apologize for him,” I said. “ He doesn’t even have to apologize for himself. I’m not looking to make up with him, Rebecca. I’ve closed that door. I don’t want someone in my life who thinks I’m poisonous. I don’t want to hold on to someone I can’t trust, or someone who can’t trust me. I don’t want to spend every day fighting for someone’s attention. As great as the good times are, I don’t want to fight like hell to get through the bad times. And fighting… God, that’s all we ever do.  I know love isn’t easy, but it has to be easier than this. I just want someone who loves me… someone who’s honest with me… someone who misses me when we’re apart. I want to laugh; I want to be happy again. I want….”
    She stared at me for a few long seconds as tears spilled onto my cheeks. She nodded as if she knew exactly what I was about to say.
    “Oh my God,” I said, reaching up and taking the necklace in my hands. “I want Derek.”
    “And that, Julie,” she said, pulling me into a hug. “Is exactly what Luke’s been waiting on you to realize.”

    Chapter Five
    Friday, March 08
    Kara and I ended up at Frank’s Bar & Grill for our pre-planned Friday dinner. According to my guesstimation, this was the first stage in the Friday-night-surprise-party-celebration. Kara

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