Raising Dragons

Raising Dragons by Bryan Davis Read Free Book Online

Book: Raising Dragons by Bryan Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryan Davis
Tags: Fantasy
though it has a will. Since a sword cannot really have intelligence, it must have a material property that reacts with the holder, a sort of link with someone who emanates holiness. Therefore, the sword’s power can be stolen if an evil man somehow counterfeits purity.”
    The train’s wheels screeched, and the rumbling cars slowed to an agonizing pace. Mr. Hamilton took a deep breath and continued, raising his voice to compete with the noise. “Of course, I don’t believe there was a Lady of the Lake to give and take back the sword, so there must be another source of its origin and disappearance.”
    “Yes. According to my research, the sword really existed. I assume it was stolen, but the perpetrator probably could never use it to its full potential. Thieves don’t have pure hearts, as you might imagine. It has been a dream of mine to find that sword and restore it to Arthur’s rightful heir.”
    At that point, Mr. Hamilton chattered on about Arthur’s knights, the “real” story of the Round Table, and several tales about his hero, Sir Gawain. Billy became so enthralled as the teacher’s excitement grew that he forgot all about the train. He was fascinated by Mr. Hamilton’s breadth of knowledge and inspired by how he talked about God. Are teachers allowed to do that?
    After the last train car finally made its way across the road, the two drove on, and Mr. Hamilton launched into a storytelling mode, sounding like one of the radio narrators Billy had heard about from his father, filling the air with oral sound effects and shifting voices, from knight to damsel to king.
    Mr. Hamilton became more like a bard than a teacher. His story song held Billy in a trance, the words transforming into an oracle, even telling of the future, that Arthur would reappear to help his countrymen during their greatest need. Whether that appearance would be in body or in spirit, Mr. Hamilton didn’t know, but he suspected that the spirit of Arthur would reside in one of his descendants who would assume a throne, perhaps a symbolic or a spiritual one, and reinstate Arthurian rule with all of its power and moral authority.
    Just as Mr. Hamilton built the story to a new crescendo, he pulled the station wagon into Billy’s driveway and stopped his tale abruptly, reverting to his normal voice. “If I’m not able to do anything about your suspension, I will let you know about any new developments in class. Shall I assume that your e-mail address is in your file?”
    “It oughta be. I put it on my form.”
    “Very good. You will hear from me soon.”
    Billy wasn’t really ready to leave, but when he thought about his mother possibly noticing the strange car in the driveway, he jumped out quickly. “Thanks, Mr. Hamilton.” He waved as he hurried away. “So long!”
    Hearing the sound of his teacher’s car rattling away, Billy remembered the morning’s strange events. He glanced back to see if that mysterious Cadillac might still be in the neighborhood.
    No sign of it.
    He turned again and ran around the house, deciding to enter the back door and go through the kitchen. If Mom’s still on the phone, she’ll be in Dad’s office. Why disturb her work? Besides, he needed time to decide how to explain why he was home so early. He planned to tell the truth, but he wasn’t sure what to say about the fire sprinklers. Could his breath really have set them off? Was it time to let them know his secret?
    He grabbed an apple, then headed toward the stairs, ready to hole up in his room to work on the English assignment from the day before. Mrs. Roberts gave them till next week, but he decided he might as well get it done. No use wasting time. He paused at the bottom step when he heard voices coming from the living room. Considering the circumstances, he decided to listen to gauge the mood of his parents. He didn’t normally hide anything from them, but the day was especially strange so far. He slowed his breathing and

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