Just a Memory

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Book: Just a Memory by Lois Carroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Carroll
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
    "Yes, and am I glad I don't have to worry about the old one anymore. Now I feel safer in here at night."
    They stepped out into the cold clear night and she turned her key in the lock. "There, all set. Thanks for bringing that box out for me, Mac. Sure it's not too heavy?"
    Carolyn opened the passenger door of her car so he could set the box on the seat. Then with his hand on Carolyn's elbow, he walked her around to the driver's door and opened it. "I'll follow you home to be sure you get there safely."
    "Haven't you heard? Men don't do that sort of thing anymore. Besides, nothing is going to happen to me here. This is Lakehaven, and it's not really very late. I'll be just fine."
    Mac moved his hand from her elbow along her arm to the top of her shoulder where it rested. His thumb traveled back and forth a short path on the side of her jaw. He couldn't have more effectively stemmed her nervous flood of words if he'd shouted at her to shut up.
    "I want to see you home safely, Carolyn. That's the old-fashioned kind of guy I am. Now please, get in your car, and I'll be right behind you."
    Though an unaccustomed reaction for her, she did as she was told. It had been centuries since she'd been escorted home by a date. A date? You couldn't call a surprise pizza a date , could you? Anyway, if dates made her this nervous, she wasn't sorry she had so few of them.
    Of course, Lakehaven wasn't overrun by eligible men charging after her. Except for Charlie–and he didn't count–not one had shown up today when she could have used the help. No one but Mac.
    By the time Carolyn drove up her street, she figured he'd helped because he felt sorry for her. He just wanted good community relations as the new police chief and she was part of the community, she told herself. That was all there was to it.
    She flipped on her turn signal and frowned. Don't get to liking the attention he's paying you, she told herself sternly as she pulled into her driveway and pressed the button to automatically open the garage door.
    When she walked out of the garage to the front door, Mac was waiting for her. She stepped up on the wide stoop in front of the door and turned back to him. They were about on the same eye level. "Thank you again for–"
    Once more, Mac's hand stopped her in mid-sentence. His palm cradled her cheek and his thumb gently pressed on her lips this time. He stepped a little closer and put one foot up on the stoop beside where she was standing. His thumb lazily traced the edge of her lips while his gaze locked on hers.
    "That's about the sixth time you've thanked me, Carolyn. Don't you think that's a bit much for pizza and a little help?"
    She had to smile–which was a lot better than her first inclination, which was to kiss his thumb as it tickled her lips.
    "But I have an idea," he said suddenly. His fingers strayed back through her hair and then fell to rest on his raised thigh. "You can thank me by going out to dinner with me."
    Carolyn's breath escaped in a rush. "Dinner?"
    "Yeah," he answered with a chuckle. "You know, the big meal at the end of the day that is generally something better than cold pizza in your office."
    "Yes, I know," she remarked with a smile.
    "I'm bunking with Hines until I find a place of my own. I don't cook much and eating out alone isn't much fun."
    That certainly popped her balloon. He was just lonely. New in a strange town. Why hadn't she thought of that? She stepped back before she made a bigger fool of herself.
    "Yeah. And tables for one always seem to be in front of the kitchen door." Oh, shut up while you're ahead, Carolyn . Now he'll think you're a social outcast.
    She hoped he didn't see her hand shake as she tried to fit the key into the lock. Carolyn opened the door and reached in to turn on the porch light. She turned back to respond about dinner when she heard light running footsteps coming across the lawn. Backing up to hold the storm door open with her hip, she looked at Mac who

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