Just You

Just You by Jane Lark Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Just You by Jane Lark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Lark
on her side, one palm tucked beneath her cheek as she carried on watching the film. I slipped my arm around her, my hand resting on her belly. Was it possible to call a girl’s belly pretty. She had a pretty belly, tight, and the cotton of her vest brushed over her skin.
    Interest stirred my cock. I focused on the film instead of her body. She didn’t want me prodding her in the back; the girl was in a down mood.
    “What are your parents like?” She asked.
    That question came out of nowhere. She was still looking at the laptop, watching the film. “Dad’s gone–”
    Her head turned so she could look up at me. “I’m sorry…”
    “No need to be. Mom threw him out. He was a douchebag, we’re better off without him.”
    “We?” Her blue eyes were still looking up at me.
    “I’ve got three brothers. Robin’s seventeen, Jake’s fourteen, and Dillon, the baby, he’s eight.”
    “That’s a lot of brothers.”
    “That’s a lot of trouble.” I grinned at her. “I’ve got the task of keeping them in line.”
    Her gaze changed, like it was looking inward, not outward, and she turned to watch the film.
    “Is your Mom, nice? That must be hard work?”
    “She’s nice, though she’s not above clipping us all around the ear once or twice and hounding me. But I respect her. She works, she keeps us all on track.”
    She nodded, still watching the film.
    “What about your parents, are they nice?”
    Her shoulder lifted in a shrug. “Yeah.”
    It didn’t sound like they smothered her with love. Gripping her shoulder, I rolled her onto her back and looked down at her.
    “They’re okay, really, I’m just in a blue mood.”
    I took a breath as my gaze dropped to her perfect pink lips. I looked back up. “I want to kiss you, Portia, can I kiss you?”
    Her answer was a nod, and I leaned down, my fingers sliding to her side. I could feel muscle beneath the cotton of her vest top, as my tongue dipped into the heat of her mouth. I pulled back after a couple of brushes of my lips over hers and looked into her eyes–the blue was brighter, shinier. She hadn’t just said, yes; she’d wanted me kiss to her.
    I was winning a lottery today. Maybe all those birthday candle wishes were being answered after all. I leaned down and kissed her again, and her lips answered mine, brushing against mine. Then her tongue slipped out in search of mine.
    After a little while, as her fingers ran over my hair, I slid mine behind her back and up under her vest top. As I kept kissing her, I popped the hooks on her bra free. She broke the kiss, her head pushing back into the pillows and her blue eyes looking up at me as my hand ran around, underneath her bra and her top, and touched her breast.
    The air which left her lungs brushed my cheek as I leaned to kiss her jaw, then her neck. I remembered the texture of her, and her breasts might be small but it was just right. Her nipple peaked, pressing into my palm.
    I bent my head lower as she sighed and arched beneath me. Lifting her top I exposed her pale skin. She moaned as I caught her nipple between my lips and tugged, then let go. God, the girl was beautiful.
    I sucked on her nipple for a little bit, as I’d done in the pool the other night and let my fingertips skim across her skin. The muscles in her belly tightened.
    Her fingers stayed on my shoulders and my head, while her body moved beneath me, arching and falling, asking me to move between her legs.
    I ran my fingers over the silk soft skin of her belly to her jeans. The metal button was cold. I freed it, before undoing the short zipper. Her nipple slipped out of my mouth and I met her gaze as I slid my hand into her panties.
    She smiled, before shutting her eyes and biting her lip.
    She was wet and warm, and major temptation, and I was rock hard. I rubbed over her for a little bit, answering the rock of her hips, and then pressed two fingers into her heat, and she sighed. Her breath was hot on my cheek as I watched her

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