Just You

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Book: Just You by Jane Lark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Lark
expression. She was working it, moving to get the most out of my touch as my thumb brushed the most sensitive part of her.
    This was how she’d come the other night, just like this.
    I lowered my head to her breast. She was writhing in moments. When she came it was warm sticky liquid around my fingers and a pulling sensation inside her. She let out a long sigh, just as she’d done in the pool. That sound…
    Shit, this girl had a way of crawling inside my soul. I wanted to be in her physically. But today wasn’t the day.
    I let my fingers slip out of her and rolled to my back, looking up at the skylight as she recovered.
    My cock was pressing hard to escape my pants. I breathed in, trying to drop my heart rate from a manic dance beat to a melody.
    She rolled to her side. Her top was still bunched up and her pants undone as she cradled her head in her palm and stared at me, giving me a closed lip smile, with sparkly blue eyes.
    Yep, today, they were definitely blue.
    I rolled to my side too, my erection finally starting to descend. “That was what you forgot the other night at Mr. Rees’s party, that’s what we did, Portia.”
    Her smile broke wider. “That was good, but don’t you… want sex…”
    I smiled. “Not today, you’re tipsy and in a blue mood, you’d probably regret it tomorrow. Take it as a birthday present.”
    “Well, it was the best birthday present ever.” Her smile widened. She’d lost all the reserve she had in the office. “Thank you,” she breathed.
    “Welcome. The movie’s ended, are you sure you don’t want to go out?”
    She shook her head. “Would you put the next one on?”
    I smiled at her. “Yes. Straighten yourself up, and I’ll get you more popcorn.”
    We spent the next couple of hours cuddling and occasionally kissing, watching the other films.
    I left her just after midnight, with a long kiss at the downstairs door, as she came down with me, and on the way home, my heart was fucking racing to the beat of the music pounding on my earphones as I sat on the subway train. My life had hit a junction and somehow I’d slipped lanes. It was sending me down a new track. Guys like me didn’t get lucky with girls like Portia. I hit my forehead with the heel of my palm.
    What the fuck?
    Portia fucking Hemming was into me.
    How the frick did that happen?

Chapter Four
    My cell buzzed, vibrating on the bedside chest. I was lying down, but not in bed, scanning the funnies on You Tube. I picked my cell up to see who’d texted. Portia.
    ‘Can you come over? I need you.’
    ‘Need me?’
    ‘Yeah, as in yesterday afternoon relief.’
    ‘:-) R U, coming!, babe’
    ‘Yeah, but I want some company.’
    Well this was the girl I did know, the one who’d been lusting after my friend Jason for months.
    ‘Come over’, she urged again. ‘Will you?’
    ‘Yeah, but it’ll take me an hour.’ I didn’t mind being second-best if this was the prize.
    ‘Don’t give a shit, come, and be quick.’
    I laughed. ‘Coming, just putting my boots on.’
    ‘Then stop texting and do it.’
    I looked over at Robin, he was asleep.
    “Justin?” Mom was in the living room, when I grabbed my coat off the hook in the hall. She saw me through the door. “Where are you going? It’s late, child.”
    She hated any of us going out, and late was worse. She imagined all sorts going on in the dark, but to be fair, in our neighborhood, everything she imagined probably did go on. “I’m not getting into trouble. I’m going over to a friend’s.”
    She stood up, her hands fisting on her hips, as she stared me out. “At this hour?”
    “Yeah, Mom. I’m twenty-two. I can do whatever.”
    “Honey…” Her hands slipped off her hips and she moved toward me, like she was urging me not to go.
    I gave her a look. “I’ll text you when I get there, okay? So you know I’m safe. And I’ll keep my cell in my hand set up for an emergency call all the way there. But just so you know I’ll

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