
KateUndone by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online

Book: KateUndone by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
she’d given him what he’d been asking for. “Jesse?”
    “You’re a mess.” He sniffed and relaxed next to her, pulling
her into his warmth. “You smell like sex. Like me.”
    She knew she needed to clean up, but he wouldn’t let her.
    “Uh-uh. I like you this way. Soft, sexy and messy.”
    Kate yawned. “We really should find Logan.”
    “So you can apologize?” His arms tightened around her.
    “Jesse—yes, okay? So I can apologize. Asshole,” she
    He chuckled. “Always knew you’d be a handful. Don’t worry
about Logan. He’ll be fine. Ravager needs to stop thinking like a woman and act
like a man.”
    He held her against his chest, ignoring the claws she dug
into his biceps. “Scratch me up, baby. Yeah, I like that,” he rumbled. “I like
a bit of pain, just like you. Logan likes everything to feel good, so we’ll
have to be gentle with him.”
    As they lay together, her mind drifted to the three of them
in her own happily-ever-after. After a while, she said, “Do you think he’ll
forgive me? I never meant to hurt him. Or you.”
    Jesse sighed. “The man is in love, Kate. Of course he’ll
forgive you. Though it wouldn’t hurt if you groveled a bit. We’ve had more than
a few fantasies of you on your knees, begging to make it up to us.”
    “Yeah, but I’m your bitch.”
    “You sure the hell are. Now go to sleep.”
    She wanted to argue, but pushed past her limit, she promptly
fell asleep.

Chapter Four
    Logan kicked a plastic bottle out of his way and swore under
his breath as he walked the halls of this shitty human hotel. A woman walking
back to her room at this late hour stared at him with wide eyes, her fear ripe
in the air.
    “I’m not going to eat you,” he snapped and continued down
the hall, not pleased at her shriek as she scurried away.
    The only woman he wanted to eat thought him a social
climber. Christ, how the hell could she think he’d want anything to do with
clan hierarchy? He’d gratefully left the prime’s pack just so he could be with
her. Her rejection hurt more than it should have, and not for the first time
did he consider Jesse might have the right of it.
    Love didn’t fit the Ravager lifestyle.
    Ravagers needed sex like they needed to breathe. Jealousy
had no part in their lives. Yet the thought of Kate with anyone but Jesse or
him bugged the shit out of Logan. He still wanted to pound Sean Morely into the
ground. The man was now happily mated to Kate’s sister, yet Logan couldn’t
forget the fact that Sean had fucked Kate. The woman who’d rejected Logan had
taken a human for a plaything.
    How fucked up was that?
    He growled and muttered to himself as he stalked past
another stupefied couple and made his way to the stairs. Descending a few
flights, he wondered again why Kate had chosen this hotel in midtown. Not all
the humans in Cross Step liked the Voiders who’d invaded their world. Rumors
swirled that a group of them had formed to exterminate any Voiders unlucky
enough to be caught alone and unaware. Just what he needed, to find himself
abducted by Voider-haters in the middle of midtown.
    Annoyed with his own paranoia, Logan pushed open the door to
the fourth floor. He walked down the hall, wondering about his new pack and
when, if ever, he’d finally think of them as a family.
    Jesse could be a pain in the ass, but he was solid. Though
the Ravager might never admit it, he loved Logan as much as he loved Kate.
Jesse didn’t do softness and feeling. His youth had been a warzone. Tender
emotion wasn’t the Ravager way, at least not in the homeworld. But here they
didn’t have to scavenge for every scrap of food or affection.
    In Cross Step, a male didn’t have to hide his female for
fear she’d be taken from him, raped and killed if she failed to reproduce.
Ravagers could afford to feel something other than pride in a mate. Hell, look
how strong the prime’s pack was. All four of them loved the

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