Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
behind his back causing me to giggle. He turned to her, but she
already had her innocent look back in place. She smiled sweetly, shrugged her
shoulders, and took off towards class.
    He shook his head,
laughing, and reached for my hand. “Have you missed me like I’ve missed you?”
     Well, I guess he
still likes me after our date. “I have missed you, Seth. So, does this mean we’re a couple now?” I asked
    “Yup,” he replied
and just like that, we were together.
     Seth Turner was my first
real boyfriend, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled.
         I went to all
his home football games, cheering for him until I was hoarse. He’d look for me
in the stands and smile when he found me. It made me feel special for him to
acknowledge me in front of the whole school. We walked the halls side by side
and ate lunch together every day.
    About three weeks
into our relationship, Seth informed me we were going to sit with his friends
from now on. I dragged Hallie with me, and she tried to sit by JT but after he
completely ignored her a couple of times, she gave up and sat beside me. She
stopped talking and became more distant with each passing day. I tried
desperately to include her, but she finally said she just didn’t fit in with
that crowd and started eating lunch with some kids from our church youth group.
I missed her terribly, but Seth would lead me away when I would try and hang
out with her at school.
     “Look, Katie, I
know she’s your friend. I like her too but you’re with me now, and I expect you
to spend your free time with only me, okay?” he said as he drove me home from
school one afternoon.
         Hallie had been
my best friend for years, but I didn’t want to lose Seth. I was beginning to
think I was in love with him. “Okay,” I replied but knew it was a lie. I wasn’t
about to stop being her friend for anyone.
    He patted my knee
before turning up the volume on that football song again and began to sing
along. I was tired of listening to it, but I plastered a smile on my face and
pretended to enjoy it.
    Seth took me out on
dates every Saturday night. We went to the movies, out to dinner, and even to
the fair when it came to town. He even joined me at church some Sundays. My
parents were thrilled that I finally met such a great guy and so was I. At
school, I occasionally snuck off with Hallie, but Seth always found me and made
me hang out with his friends instead.
    I began to notice
something strange about JT. He seemed to watch me quite a bit, and I didn’t
care for it. He would also brush up against me in the hallways or stand just a little
too close. He caught me alone coming out of the bathroom one night after a football
game and blocked the exit. He appeared sweaty, obviously not showering after he
     “Hey, there you
are. I was looking for you,” he said, leering at me.
     I took a step back,
alarms sounding in my head. “Why?”
     He chuckled, the
sound echoing off the bathroom walls. “I wanted to talk to you alone for a
minute. I get the feeling that you don’t like me, but I’m a nice guy so I don’t
understand why?”
     “I..I don’t really
know you,” I stammered. And I don’t want to. I couldn’t hold back the
small shudder that ran through my body.
     “Well, we could
always change that,” he said in a hushed tone, a smirk crossing his face.
    Fear surged
throughout every pore of my body, and I began to pray silently for protection.
     “Uh..no thanks.
I’ve got to go,” I blurted out, attempting to get past him. He finally moved,
but only far enough that I still had to brush against him to get by. I cringed
when I felt his chest touch my arm. I practically ran to find Seth and stayed
stuck to his side the rest of the night. I didn’t tell him what happened. I
just let it go, thinking maybe I’d made more of it than it really was.
         We’d been
dating a little over a month and everything seemed perfect, with the

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