Knight of the Empress
moving.  Two of Guy's men at arms were also down while Padraig and Geoffrey were not on their horses. I heard Edward shout, "Secure the horses."
    I rode to Alan.  Harold had lifted his helmet.  I could see a huge dent in the side.  His shield also showed where a lance had scored a mark along it. He grinned at me. "Well sir, that was lucky!"
    I dismounted and handed him my reins.  "Aye but Alan was not so lucky." His face fell.  The two were good friends. I waved my arm and Brian led the Empress and the Germans towards us. I rolled Alan over.  His left arm looked to have been damaged for it lay at an awkward angle.  More seriously I saw that the mail covering his stomach had been scored and he was bleeding. "Wulfric!"
    Wulfric was our healer.  A huge man he could be incredibly gentle when he needed to be. He dismounted and handed his reins to Roger. He smiled. "Looks worse than is it is.  If it was a serious one he would be gushing blood.  I'll get his shirt off and have a look."
    I nodded and joined Edward with the prone Padraig. I rolled him over and saw that he was dead.  The head of the lance was still embedded in his chest.  I had lost one of my men and I felt sick. There was some relief when I saw Geoffrey stagger to his feet.
    Guy joined us. "That could have been worse.  We beat them!" He sounded almost happy.
    "I have lost one man and another is wounded."
    He pointed up the hill, "And two of my men lie dead.  It happens.  It is war." He put his arm around my shoulder, "Your plan worked Baron.  I never would have believed that three knights and two squires could clear the field of eight knights but we did! This was a great victory. Come we will see what we have."
    The three knights were all dead.  Guillaume of Ghent had died almost immediately.  One of the others had fallen and broken his neck whilst the last had been speared by Guy.  An impressive blow, he had sunk his lance into his neck. The mail of two of them was usable but my spear had rendered Guillaume's useless.  We took their swords, their horses and their shields.  Each also had gold about them and they bore the face of Charles of Flanders.
    The Empress Matilda joined us.  She looked pale when she saw the three bodies of our men. "They died for me!"
    Guy shrugged, "Empress, I said to the baron here that this was a great victory.  Three knights have fallen." He pointed up the hill.  "And there are five dead men at arms."
    Edward nodded, "He is right my lord. Come let us head east.  I am keen to reach safety.  I would not wish to push our luck."
    "What about Alan.  He has been wounded.  It looks like a broken arm and he has a wounded side."
    Wulfric looked up. "He'll be all right my lord.  I will stitch him up.  Roger, get some of that aqua vita." I saw that Alan's eyes were open and he was smiling although he was very pale. "Now then, my son, this will hurt but you fought well today and will have a nice scar to impress the women with." He suddenly realised that the Empress was still standing there, "Begging your pardon ma'am."
    She laughed, "Do not worry about my sensibilities.  Care for him."
    Wulfric poured some of the spirit we had bought on the road over the wound. I saw Alan wince but he did not cry out.  He took a long draught of it and then, closing his eyes nodded. Wulfric took out a bone needle and some cat gut from his leather pouch.  He soaked both in the spirit and, after taking a drink himself, he began to sew.  It was a huge needle.  The physicians in Constantinople had much finer, delicate instruments.  I wished we had brought some with us.  I could see this happening regularly.
    While he was being sewn we buried our dead. I said a few quiet words over Padraig's grave; I was just pleased that all of my men were single.  None had left families behind. Harold and Wulfric helped Alan to his horse and Harold agreed to watch his friend.  We now had three more warhorses.  Guy would take two back with him but we

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