Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)

Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) by K.T Fisher Read Free Book Online

Book: Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) by K.T Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.T Fisher
in her teasing way. When me and Harley were seeing each other he was actually jealous of Mark, I mean sure Mark is good looking and he has that good athletes body but I don't think of him as anything more than a friend. That just makes me cringe!
       Seeing as me and Jessica have already eaten and the guys and Finley have after the football game we just have one of Jessica's homemade desserts. She owns a bakery in the town center, everything she makes is delicious. We all wolf it down and James breaks the silence after he empty's his bowl.
          "Have any of you seen the paper today? How mad is that-"
       "No we haven't James!"
    Sam growls at James from over the table in a louder than usual voice and his eyes are giving him daggers. James slouches down slightly in his chair and blushes a little. Very unlike James, he never takes shit from anyone. I can tell something is going on here but I'm not sure what. Nobody has looked at me yet but I have the feeling like they don't want to. Finley is oblivious from the weirdness and is laughing and pointing at James.
          "Hahahahahaha! Uncle Sam shouted at you!"
    His still giggling and I see Jessica's mouth lift slightly at the corner. Everyone else still hasn't spoke or looked my way. Somethings not right, and I'm not staying any longer. I want to go home, I'm not being around them while there being like this.
          "OK,....... Well, it's getting late and I need to get Finley to bed."
    Finley's laughter immediately stops and he frowns up at me.
          "Ohhhhh but I not tired!"
    Well I'm tired and I'm not staying here any longer. I stand taking Finley's hand with me and we say our goodbyes. The guys still don't look me in the eye and Jessica has a weird look on her face. We only live around the corner so the drive isn't even five minutes long but Finley sulks all the way. When I put him to bed he doesn't even ask for a film and his eyes look heavy so he obviously is tired. He gives me a soft kiss and a hug and rolls over. I make sure everything is in order downstairs and go to bed myself. When I lie in my bed I can't stop thinking about my friends at Jessica and Sams house. What was that all about? I get the feeling Sam didn't want me to know what Jame was going to say but he only mentioned the paper. I don't really read the paper, I sometimes stick the news channel on if Finley lets me from time to time and I listen the radio at work but I wasn't at work today. I open my bedside drawer and reach for my IPad and search our local paper webpage, when the page loads up I get all sweaty and my breathing becomes fast. Theres a picture taking up the screen and it's a multishot picture, theres three pictures altogether. One of them is of Jax standing with his band mate and good friend Leo walking out the airport together, the next is his other two band mates Rhys and Max standing together and talking on phones. The big one is them altogether getting into a car and you can see airport behind them. It's the one in London! They can't be here can they? I tear my eyes of Jax in his black skinny jeans, white shirt, leather jacket and red converse and start to read the article. My heart thumping loudly in my chest.
    Decoy Band members return home
    A soure has reveled that all four band members of worldwide rockband Decoy are missing there  home town here in London. They are supposedly in the process of looking to buy properties. There friends and family are said to be pleased of them setting up roots here in London. There said to be taking a well earned break after there tour has just finished. They will start to write there new album in the up and coming months and it's roomered this is where they are also recording. We are all happy to have Decoy back home and can't wait for there performance at the festival in the Summer
    I drop the IPad onto the bed and I drop my head into my hands. I try and hold back my tears

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