KnightForce Tres (La Patron KnightForce Book 3)

KnightForce Tres (La Patron KnightForce Book 3) by Sydney Addae Read Free Book Online

Book: KnightForce Tres (La Patron KnightForce Book 3) by Sydney Addae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Addae
and exploded.
    Silas growled beneath her, holding her tight as he bucked into her once, twice, and then held her in place while yelling his release.
    Sweat dripped from her forehead onto his chest. Riding Silas always took a lot from her, but it was damn satisfying watching him. Sliding to the side, she kissed his chest and snuggled close.
    He held her in place and brushed a kiss across her forehead. “ You’re a wild one, Sweet Bitch. Damn near wore me out. Love that about you. ”

Chapter 6
    “What?” Elyria screamed as she stalked to Mélange. “What the hell did you just say?” Color drained from her face, leaving a pasty canvas which made her blue eyes appear large and shiny, like marbles.
    Mélange’s vision wavered beneath the heat of her despair. “I begged you to go to the island and live, to retire, but you wanted to do this last job. We didn’t need to come here, but you never listen to me!” Mélange scooted back on the sofa, dropped her head to her knees and wrapped her arms around them as loud, heart-breaking sobs escaped.
    “Mélange…Mel…come on, it’s…I never thought…please, don’t cry.”
    Heart pounding as if it would escape the confines of her chest, Mélange wiped her face with the back of her hand and snickered at the irony of fate. “Look what happened, the person you send me to set-up for the job turns out to be my mate.” Cold, empty, numb, she wrapped her arms around her waist and dug her nails into her skin to feel something.
    Elyria shook her head. “Wait a minute. She’s human, how can she be your mate?”
    “I don’t know.” Mélange sat still for a moment and met her gaze. “I don’t know,” she whispered.
    Elyria stared at her as if she were unhinged. “Mates?” She laughed as color returned to her cheeks. “Impossible.”
    Mélange wished she could laugh it off as easily as Elyria. But the unmistakable signs grew stronger each day she denied the bond. “The impossible has happened and I blame you! Goddess,” she mumbled. “Why the hell did I get attached to a human? Somebody please answer me that.”
    Hand on one hip, Elyria stared at her a few moments, biting one long red fingernail. “Her sister is mated to La Patron, maybe there’s something in their line. They share a mother, not a father. I didn’t think there’d be a connection.”
    Mélange’s mouth dried and her throat tightened as she continued to stare at Elyria. The attraction was still there, but it lacked the fire which normally burned in her gut when she and her lover were together. Her mouth didn’t water and she had no desire to touch Elyria.
    She opened her mouth to tell Elyria she loved her, and couldn’t speak. Her hands shook as she thought of touching the woman who held her heart. When she couldn’t move, she closed her eyes as they filled with tears and then looked up.
    Her life was over .
    “I want to spend my life with you, it’s all I’ve dreamed of the past 10 years…what the fuck am I going to do without you?” Mélange whispered raggedly.
    Elyria jerked as if she hadn’t thought that far. “We aren’t separating; you’ll have to fight this. We’ve worked too hard and too long to get this far.” Her voice rose and she spoke faster and faster. “I’ll check my books, see what I can find to break the mating bond. What are the symptoms?” Her gaze flew over Mélange, and then she stopped in front of her, grabbed her by the arms and shook her. “Tell me, how do you know she’s your mate?”
    Mélange tapped her chest. “It hurts when she leaves, my wolf cries for her mate.” Her hands covered her ears. “I can’t shut out her whining and longing for Renee. It’s driving me crazy.”
    Elyria gasped and stumbled back. “You…you want someone else?”
    “No…my wolf does. She’s not listening to me,” Mélange cried. Unbearable pain split her chest in half at the thought of life without Elyria, while her wolf demanded Renee.
    “Make her listen, damn

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